• Abstract
    • 결론 : 습이 끝날 시점에서 LIC학생들이 patient care 독립적으로 engage 하며, clinic pt 기회가 많았다. 대부분 ambulatory setting에서 이뤄지는 LIC 교육모델은 학생들이 많은 기회를 제공한다는 점에서 Workplace learning principle 일치한다.
      • By late year, LIC students engage in patient care more independently and have more opportunities to see clinic patients on multiple occasions than BC students. Consistent with the principles of workplace learning, these findings suggest that yearlong longitudinal integrated education models, that rely mostly on ambulatory settings, afford students greater opportunities to participate more fully in the provision of patient care.
  • Introduction
    • 학교마다 거의 동일했던 Core clinical year 이제는 모델이 다양해지고 외래/입원환자 경험이 다양해지고, 환자에 대한 연속성과 감독의사, 세팅 등이 다양해지고 있다. LIC 모델은 하나의 학생이 전문직으로서 배우고 성장하는 과정은 실제 의사가 환자를 care하는 과정에 meaningful, supported participation 함으로서 가능하다는 전제에서 출발한다. 이러한 전제를 지키기 위해서 LIC 주로 외래환자 중심이며, block보다는 longitudinal 경험을 중시하여 환자, 그리고 supervising doctor와의 관계를 쌓는 것을 가능케 한다.
    • 다양한 clerkship model 존재함에 따라 그들 사이에 상대적인 효과성의 문제가 항상 있어왔고, 일부 연구는 LIC 학생들이 BC 비해서 환자중심의 태도를 갖는다는 것을 보여주기도 했다. 또한 LIC학생은 시험에서는 거의 비슷한 수준의 능력을 보여줬고, 환자가 가진 질병의 전체 코스를 배울 있는 특징이 있다. 이론적으로 이러한 결과는 LIC 모델을 뒷받침하는 learning science 연관이 되어있으나, 아직 이러한 결과를 뒷받침하는 기전에 대한 근거는 없다. 어떻게 LIC BC 학습 경험이 다를까? 예를 들면 환자와 보내는 시간이나 감독의사와 보내는 시간이 얼마나 차이가 날까? LIC모델은 BC보다 환자에 대해 책임의식을 갖게 하고, 독립적으로 환자 care 있게 해주는가?
  • Sample
    •  University of California San Francisco (UCSF), the University of South Dakota Sanford School of Medicine (USD) and Harvard Medical School (HMS)
  • Conclusion
    • Clerkships 학생들이 임상현장에 처음으로 full-time으로 접하는 중요한 기간이다. 여기서는 종료 시점에서 차이가 발견되었으며 LIC학생이 환자와 독립적으로 직접 일하는 시간이 많았고, 환자를 관찰하는 시간은 적었고, BC학생보다 return visit환자를 많이 보았다. 이러한 결과로부터 workplace learning 핵심이라고 있는 independent practice 향상은 LIC모델이 가장 중요하게 강조하는 점이라는 사실과, rotation-based 기존 방법에서는 이루어지지 않는다는 사실을 있다.

Students' workplace learning in two clerkship models: a multi-site observational study.


Department of Medicine, University of California San Francisco (UCSF), San Francisco, CA, USA. bridget.obrien@ucsf.edu



Longitudinal integrated clerkships (LICs) are established, rapidly growing models of education designed to improve the core clinical year of medical school using guiding principles about workplace learning and continuity. This study is the first to report data from direct observations ofworkplace learning experiences of students on LICs and traditional block clerkships (BCs), respectively.


This multi-institution study used an observational, work-sampling methodology to compare LIC and BC students early and late in the core clinical year. Trained research assistants documented students' activities, participation (observing, with assistance, alone), and interactions every 10 minutes over 4-hour periods. Each student was observed one to three times early and/or late in the year. Data were aggregated at the student level and by in-patient or out-patient setting for BC students. One-way analysis of variance (anova) was used to compare two groups early in the year (LIC and BC students) and three groups late in the year (LIC, out-patient BC and in-patient BC students).


Early-year observations included 26 students (16 LIC and 10 BC students); late-year observations included 44 students (28 LIC, eight out-patient BC and eight in-patient BC students). Out-patient activities and interactions of LIC and BC students were similar early in the year, but in the later period LIC students spent significantly more time performing direct patient care activities alone (25%) compared with out-patient (12%) and in-patient (7%) BC students. Students on LICs were significantly more likely to experience continuity with patients as 34% of their patients returned to them, whereas only 5% of patients did so for out-patient BC students late in the year.


By late year, LIC students engage in patient care more independently and have more opportunities to see clinic patients on multiple occasions than BC students. Consistent with the principles of workplace learning, these findings suggest that yearlong longitudinal integrated education models, that rely mostly on ambulatory settings, afford students greater opportunities to participate more fully in the provision of patient care.

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