의과대학에서의 성공과 관련된 요인들: 체계적 문헌고찰
Factors associated with success in medical school: systematic review of the literature
Eamonn Ferguson, David James, Laura Madeley
Summary points
이전 학업성취도는 의과대학 성취의 - 완벽하지는 않더라도 - 썩 괜찮은 예측인자이다.
Previous academic performance is a good, but not perfect, predictor of achievement in medical training
학부교육과정 성취도의 23%, 졸업후 성취도의 약 6% 분산을 설명한다.
It accounts for 23% of the variance in performance in undergraduate medical training and 6% of that in postgraduate competency
장기간의 전향적 코호트 연구, 케이스-대조군 연구를 통해 면허 취득 후 성공에 대한 예측인자를 조사해야 할 필요가 있으며, 신뢰도/타당도를 갖춘 모델 개발이 필요하다.
Long term prospective cohort studies or case-control studies are needed to examine predictors of success after qualification, and reliable, valid, and fair models of medical job competence need to be developed
생활스타일, 면접, 인종, 성별, 자기소개서, 추천서 등의 중요성에 대한 연구는 거의 없으나 '전략적 학습스타일', '백인종', '여성'이 의과대학의 성공과 관련이 있다.
Relatively little research has been done into the importance of learning styles, interviews, ethnicity, sex, personal statements, and references, but a strategic learning style, white ethnicity, and female sex are associated with success in medical training
영국에서 의과대학 학생선발은 최근 몇 년간 많은 관심의 대상이었다. 일부 연구자들은 백인, 여성, 독립학교(independent school) 졸업생을 선호하는 경향이 있다고 주장하고 있다. Laura Spence와 같은 사례를 보면, 의사의 선발/훈련/확인(validation)에 대한 대중의 의문을 알 수 있다. 의과대학 학생선발은 logistic한 측면에서 의과대학 학생선발은 매우 불만족스러운데, 5000명의 선발을 위해서 10000명의 학생이 40000개의 지원서를 작성하게 되며, '운'이 큰 요소로 작용하고 있다.
Selection of medical students in the United Kingdom has come under intense scrutiny in recent years. Some authors have claimed that discrimination occurs in favour of white applicants, female applicants, and applicants from independent schools.1 2 3 4 5,w1,w2High profile cases, such as that of Laura Spence, have led to a public questioning of the selection, training, and validation of doctors. The process of selecting medical students is unsatisfactory from a logistical point of view (approximately 40 000 applications are allowed from 10 000 students for just 5000 places) and leads to chance playing a big part and to apparent unfairness.
의과대학이 학생선발을 위해서 사용하는 기준들은 나라를 불문하고 대개 비슷한데, 학업능력, 의학에 대한 안목(경력 포함), 교과외 활동과 흥미, 인성, 동기, 언어와 의사소통 등이다. 그러나 이들을 사용하는 근거는 무엇인가?
The criteria medical schools use to select future doctors are similar across the country.4 They include academic ability, insight into medicine (including work experience), extracurricular activities and interests, personality, motivation, and linguistic and communication skills. But what is the evidence base for using these criteria?
The Committee of Deans and Heads of Medical Schools 은 의과대학의 성공 예측인자를 찾기 위한 체계적 고찰을 시작하였다. 여기서는 그 고찰의 결과를 보고하고자 한다. 의과대학 선발에서 사용되어온 8개의 준거에 대한 예측타당도에 대한 자료를 조사하였다.
The Committee of Deans and Heads of Medical Schools commissioned a systematic review of factors believed to be significant predictors of success in medicine. We report the results of that systematic review, which was carried out from June to August 2000. The review examines data on the predictive validity of the eight criteria that have been studied in relation to the selection of medical students:
- cognitive factors (previous academic ability),
- non-cognitive factors (personality,
- learning styles,
- interviews,
- references, personal statements), and
- demographic factors (sex, ethnicity).
이전 학업능력, 자기소개서, 추천서, 면접 등은 선발에서 전통적으로 사용되어왔는데, 미래 수행능력 예측을 얼마나 잘 하는걸까? 성격이나 학습스타일은 전통적으로 사용되지는 않았지만, 사용할 가치가 있을까?
Previous academic ability, personal statements, references, and interviews are all traditionally used in selection, but how good are they at predicting future performance? Personality and learning styles are not traditionally used, but should they be?
Search criteria
We used three databases to conduct literature searches: Medline OVID citations, Web of Science, and PsycLIT. We used the search criteria “medical school” or “student admissions” or “selection” and “medical school student performance” and “career outcome.” We initially used combinations of the key words or phrases “medical school,” “admissions,” “selection,” “medical education,” “predictors,” and “medical student.” We conducted additional searches using combinations of the above key words with the key words “personality,” “interviews,” “learning styles,” “gender,” “references,” “resumes,” “personal statements,” and “ethnicity.”
On the basis of their propensity to generate hits, we examined three journals—Medical Education, Journal of Medical Education, and Academic Medicine—for further relevant articles. Finally, we scrutinised the reference sections of relevant articles identified by these search strategies for further relevant publications. We aimed to identify papers on the predictive validity of as many aspects as possible of the process of selecting medical students.
For the systematic review we used a mixture of traditional techniques of qualitative review and more quantitative methods of meta-analysis. We included studies in the review if they had a clear description of the predictors used and their quantification, a clear description of the outcome measures, and an acceptable statistical method of analysis of the relation between predictors and outcome measures. For indicators of previous academic performance, we examined only studies that used nationally or internationally accepted academic indicators (for example, GCSE grades, A level grades, grade point average (GPA) scores, medical college admission test (MCAT)). For other predictor measures, such as personality profiles, we explored only studies reporting data based on validated indices. From the studies thus identified, we selected only those directly relevant to medicine; we excluded studies relating to nursing and physiotherapy training, for example. Finally, we used meta-analysis only when a sufficient quantity of systematic data was available.
Medline produced 157 hits, Web of Science produced 550 hits, and PsycLIT produced 413 hits. Of the articles on Medline, 19% also appeared on Web of Science and 5% appeared on PsycLIT. Sixty two papers reported studies of previous academic performance,w3-w64 and 31 papers contained information on personality.w10,w13,w17,w18,w20,w24,w30,w38,w40,w48,w63,w65-w84 We found 16 papers on sex,w1,w2,w10,w27,w42,w59,w85-w94 and 14 papers related to ethnicity.w1,w34,w39,w42,w45,w46,w55,w66,w92,w94-w98 Eleven papers described studies on motivation or study habits,w1,w28,w91,w99-w106 and 16 papers examined the predictive validity of interviews.w27,w30,w72,w76,w88,w107-w117 We identified two papers on the predictive validity of personal statementsw10,w27 and one paper on the predictive validity of references.w110
Sufficient data were available on measures of previous academic performance for us to be able to perform a meta-analysis and to examine two broad areas of achievement in medical training (undergraduate and postgraduate). Studies relating admission criteria to undergraduate assessments included all the years of undergraduate training, whereas the studies of postgraduate performance mainly focused on internship ratings (that is, the first year after qualification). For the other predictors, either insufficient data were available for meta-analysis (ethnicity, sex, learning styles, personal statements) or a variety of different assessment tools were used (personality), making a systematic comparison across studies difficult.
The indicators of previous academic performance ranged widely in the types of assessment and the response formats used. However, it seemed reasonable to examine these assessments as a whole for three reasons.
- Firstly, all are used in the selection of medical students, and some assessment of their overall predictive power is important.
- Secondly, the meta-analysis examining undergraduate medical training was to be general, combining preclinical and clinical assessments. Different aspects of previous academic performance might be differentially predictive at different stages of training,w26 so combining all the indices seemed more appropriate.
- Finally, good evidence exists that diverse measures of cognitive ability are all statistically related to general intelligence.6
Statistical analysis
We conducted the quantitative analyses by using hierarchical linear modelling (see bmj.com).7
- Level 1 variables were the correlation coefficients between predictors and outcomes, and
- level 2 variables were sample sizes within the individual studies.
Measures of previous academic performance and assessments in medical school are associated with some degree of unreliability for a variety of reasons related to the candidate and the assessor (for example, illness, tiredness, environmental factors). In addition, students entering medical school are likely to be at the top end of the potential range of scores for previous academic performance and are also likely to do well in their medical school training. Both these factors (unreliability and restriction of range) statistically limit the size of the correlations between predictors and outcomes.8 We therefore corrected the effect sizes reported in this paper, calculated using HLM-5 software, 7 9 for error due to unreliability and range restriction. We used conventional methods to compare the corrected effect size estimates with the uncorrected ones to determine the contribution of error to the effect size estimates. 8 10
We converted the level 1 variables (the correlation coefficients) by using Fisher's r to Z transform before entering them into the meta-analysis. We entered all level 1 variables described in the papers into the analysis. Several papers examined the relation between multiple predictors and multiple outcomes.w7,w15,w21,w23 Although neither the predictors nor the outcomes are likely to be statistically independent, complete independence is not necessary for the meta-analysis to be valid.11
We used Cohen's calibration for effect size to guide interpretation of the results reported here.12 Cohen argues that an effect size of 0.10 should be classed as “small,” 0.30 as “moderate,” and 0.50 or greater as “large.”
Tests of previous academic performance
이전 학습 또는 학업수행능력을 측정하는 시험으로 MCAT점수, A학점 수, GPA등이 있다. 753개의 활용가능한 상관계수를 입력하였다. 총 샘플은 21905명이었고, 5개 연구는 2487명을 대상으로 졸업후수련과의 관계를 연구하여 32개의 사용가능한 계수를 도출하였다.
Tests measuring prior learning or previous academic performance included the medical college admission test, A levels, and grade point average. We entered 753 usable correlation coefficients into the meta-analyses for undergraduate performance, with a total sample size of 21 905 participants (mean 248.9, SD 265.06). Five studies explored admissions criteria in relation to postgraduate training, giving rise to 32 usable coefficients, with a total sample size of 2487 participants (mean 355.3, SD 566.8).w47,w50-w52,w64
학부교육과정에서 성공여부 예측에 있어서 평균 효과크기는 0.30이었다. 이는, 평균적으로, 이전 학업성취도가 의과대학 성취의 분산 중 9%를 설명한다는 의미이다. 예측인자와 결과(outcome)에 대한 비타당도를 교정한 뒤 효과크기는 0.36으로 상승하였다. restriction range에 대한 교정은 0.48까지 상승시켰다. 이는 의과대학 수행능력의 23%가 이전 학업성취도에 의해서 설명가능함을 뜻한다. 보정되지 않은(uncorrected) 상관계수는 중간정도의 효과크기이며, 최종적으로 보정된 상관계수는 큰 효과크기이다.
In the prediction of undergraduate medical success, the average effect size was 0.30 (SE 0.016, range Embedded Image0.22 to 0.74, 95% confidence interval 0.27 to 0.33, P<0.00001). This means that, on average, previous academic performance accounts for 9% of the variance in overall performance at medical school. Correction for unreliability in both the predictor (previous academic ability) and outcome (medical training success) variables increased the effect size correlation from 0.30 to 0.36 (95% confidence interval 0.31 to 0.39). Further correction for restriction of range increased the coefficient to 0.48 (0.40 to 0.51). This corrected coefficient indicates that 23% of variance in medical school performance can be explained by previous academic performance. The uncorrected correlation coefficient would be classed as moderate in size according to Cohen's calibration, and the final corrected coefficient approaches a large effect.12
의과대학 졸업 후의 역량을 예측하는 데 있어서 평균적인 효과크기는 0.14였다. 따라서 평균적으로 이전 학업성취도는 졸업수 수행능력 중 3%이하만을 설명한다고 할 수 있다. unreliability에 대한 보정은 correlation을 0.17로, restriction of rage에 대한 보정은 0.24로 증가시켰다. 이러한 보정된 상관계수는 6%의 분산이 설명가능함을 의미한다. 보정 전과 보정 후의 상관계수 모두 Cohen's calibration에 따르면 작은 효과크기이다.
In the prediction of postgraduate medical competence the average effect size was 0.14 (SE 0.05, rangeEmbedded Image0.34 to 0.41, 95% confidence interval 0.05 to 0.23, P<0.05). Thus, on average, previous academic performance accounts for less than 3% of the variance in postgraduate medical performance. Correction for unreliability increased the effect size correlation to 0.17 (95% confidence interval 0.06 to 0.27), and further correction for restriction of range increased it to 0.24 (0.08 to 0.37). This corrected coefficient indicates that 6% of variance in postgraduate performance can be explained by previous academic performance. Both the uncorrected and corrected coefficients are classed as small according to Cohen's calibration.12
연구에 따라 효과크기의 차이는 상당히 컸는데, 의과대학 성취, 졸업후 성취 모두에서 표본의 크기와 효과크기는 유의한 상관이 없었다.
The 95% confidence intervals and ranges indicate a wide variability in effect sizes across the studies. This variability was not significantly associated with sample size for either the undergraduate analysis or the postgraduate analysis.
성격검사 Personality tests
성격검사에 대한 메타분석은 척도가 너무 다야하기 때문에 쉽지 않다.
A meta-analysis of the personality measures was not possible owing to the wide variety of measures used, which included
- the California personality inventory,
- Rotter's “locus of control” scale,
- Cattell's 16PF,
- Eysenck's personality index,
- Minnesota multi-phasic personality inventory,
- Myers Briggs type indicator,
- state-trait anxiety inventory, and
- psychiatric interviews.
The more consistent descriptive findings are summarised below.
가장 흔히 사용되는 것은 California personality inventory.이다. 8개의 subscale을 도출가능하다. 아래와 같은 상관관계가 나타난다.
The most commonly used test has been the California personality inventory. With this measure, eight subscales have emerged consistently as predictors of success in medical training:
- “dominance,”
- “tolerance,”
- “sociability,”
- “self acceptance,”
- “well being,”
- “responsibility,”
- “achievement via conformance,” and
- “achievement via independence.”w69,w79
- Dominance has been shown to be correlated with undergraduate multiple choice question scores (uncorrected r Embedded Image0.26),
- tolerance with the ability to use numerical data and make calculations (Embedded Image0.25), and
- well being and achievement via conformance with success in oral examinations (0.22 and 0.32).w79
Rotter's locus of control 는 사람들이 인생에서 겪는 일련의 결과의 원인을 내부에 두는지 외부에 두는지에 대한 검사이다. 의과대학생들은, 놀랍게도, 외적귀인성향이 더 강한 것으로 나타난다. 또한 의과대학 과정중에 점차 더 그렇게 된다는 연구도 있다. 이는 내적귀인성향이 높은 삭업성취와 연관된다는 다른 연구들과 대비된다. 한 가지 확인해야 할 것은 의과대학생의 연구들이 'defensive external' belief에 대해 다룬 것은 아니었는가 하는 것이다.
Rotter's locus of control is a personality test that assesses the extent to which people feel that outcomes in their lives are contingent on their own behaviour (“internals”) in comparison with the influence of factors such as “fate” and “chance” (“externals”). Medical students with high preclinical and clinical grade point averages were, surprisingly, more likely to express an external orientation (0.51 and 0.31).w74 There is also some evidence that medical students express more external beliefs as they progress through medical school.w48 This seems to be at variance with studies showing that higher levels of internal beliefs are associated with academic success.13 One area deserving further examination is that in these studies the researchers may be tapping into what is referred to as “defensive external” beliefs.14 Defensive externals act much like internals but endorse an external orientation as a verbal defence against failure.
state-trait anxiety studies 의 결과는 상태불안(state anxiety)은 유의미하게, 그러나 약한 부적 상관관계가 있음을 보여준다. 그러나 특성불안(trait anxiety)는 수행능력과 유의한 관계가 없다. 또한 학업 불안은 1학년 수행능력과의 관계에서 뒤집어진 U모양의 관계를 보이는데, 극도의 불안을 갖는 학생은 중간정도 불안을 갖는 학생보다 더 못한다는 것이다. 이는 사람들이 이상적 수준의 각성(arousal)상태에서 가장 수행능력이 좋다는 arousal theory와도 상응한다.
Results of state-trait anxiety studies have shown that state anxiety (anxiety in relation to a specific event, in this case examinations) is significantly, but weakly (3% of the variance), negatively associated with aspects of medical performance, but that trait anxiety (non-specific anxiety) is not significantly related to performance.w63,w84 Furthermore, levels of academic anxiety may show an inverted U shaped association with first year performance, in that students with extremes of anxiety tend to do worse than those in the mid-range.w48 This is consistent with arousal theory, which postulates that people perform best at an optimal level of arousal.15
최근에 개발된 성격이론은 5개의 요인이 있으며, 이 5개 요인은 앞서 보고된 척도로부터 도출가능하다고 제안한다. 이는 성격의 5요인이라 불린다.
Recent developments in personality theory have suggested that five factors underlie normal personality and that these can be found in previously reported measures of personality. 16 17 These factors, known as the “Big 5” or five factor model of personality, are
- “emotional stability-neuroticism” (high scores relate to anxiety, depression),
- “extroversion” (high scores relate to being outgoing, sociable),
- “openness to experience” (high scores relate to being creative, artistic),
- “agreeableness” (high scores relate to being cooperative, trusting), and
- “conscientiousness” (high scores relate to being methodical, organised, motivated by achievement).
the California personality inventory의 하위스케일 일부는, 특히 achievement 는 Big 5의 conscientiousness와 관련이 있어 보인다. Big 5는 의과대학 선발과 수련과정에 대한 이론틀을 제공한다.
Some of the subscales of the California personality inventory, especially the achievement subscales, may relate to conscientiousness in the Big 5. The Big 5 offers a theoretical framework for the study of personality in medical selection and training.
- Conscientiousness has been shown in previous research to be related to success in a variety of occupational settings, and
- extraversion has been correlated with success in jobs that involve a social dimension (for example, sales).18
- Within medicine, extraversion predicted success in paediatric objective examinations (0.51).w83
- A recent study using the Big 5 has shown that conscientiousness is a positive predictor of preclinical achievement (standardised regression coefficient, Embedded Image=0.58), even with control for previous academic performance (A level grades).w10
성별 Sex
여성이 남성보다 의과대학 수행능력이 우수하다는 문헌은 일관되게 나오고 있다. 임상평가에서도 여성이 더 우수한 수행능력을 보인다. 남성이 조금 더 낫다고 보고한 연구에서는 초기에 남성이 낫다고 나오나(NBME part I), 이러한 차이는 시간이 지나면 사라진다. 그러나 성별에 따른 차이는 크기가 작고 표본수가 큰 때에만 유의하다. 따라서 성차가 가지는 실질적 관련성에 의문을 제기할 수 있다.
A consistent finding in the literature is that women tend to perform better than men in their medical trainingw1,w10,w27,w85,w91 and are more likely to attain an honours degree.w2 Women also tend to perform better in clinical assessments.w86,w87 Two studies suggested that men slightly outperformed women on early assessments (for example, National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME) part I) but that these differences disappeared later (NBME part II).w85,w86 However, these differences were small and reached significance only when the sample sizes were large. This raises the question of the practical relevance of these sex differences. For example, a significant difference was reported between men and women in NBME part II paediatrics scores, with men scoring 82.13 and women 82.70.w86
과거 학업수행능력이 남성과 예성에 대해서 동일한 예측능력을 가질까? MCAT과 같은 것들의 예측 정확도를 연구한 결과, 일부 연구에서 여성의 학업수행능력이 하향예측된다(즉, 예측치보다 실제 수행능력이 더 높다)고 보고된다.
Are tests of previous academic performance equally accurate predictors for men and women? When the accuracy of a predictor such as the medical college admission test is examined, the difference between predicted outcome scores (for example, NBME part I) and the actual outcome scores can be calculated. If the actual score is higher than the predicted score the test underpredicts; if the converse is found then the test overpredicts. Some evidence indicates that the admission test underpredicts for women.w94
동기(motivation), 학업, 인구학적 요소들이 남성과 여성의 수행능력에 영향을 미치는가에 대한 연구가 늘어나고 있는데, 한 연구에서는 '다른 사람을 도와줌'과 같은 service quality variable이 여성의 임상점수를 예측하며, '지적 성장'과 같은 individual mastery variable이 남성의 임상점수를 예측한다고 보고하고 있다.
A growing body of research explores whether different motivational, academic, and demographic factors influence the performance of men and women. Motivation seems to be important. For example, in one study, “service quality variables” (such as “helping others”) predicted women's clinical grades and “individual mastery variables” (such as “intellectual growth”) predicted men's clinical grades.w89
인종 Ethnicity
영국이나 미국에서 소수민족출신 학생이 백인 학생보다 시험에서 fail할 확률이 높다고 보고하고 있다. 그러나 비-영국출신 소수인종 학생들은 영국출신 백인 학생보다 더 수행능력이 낫다.
Some evidence indicates that in the United Kingdom, as well as in the United States, students from ethnic minority groups are more likely to fail a medical examination than are white students.w1,w55 However, non-UK ethnic minority students in the United Kingdom may perform better than white UK students.w1
여러 연구에서의 공통된 결론은 MCAT이나 GPA와 같은 전통적 인지적 척도들이 소수인종에서는 유의한 예측력을 가진다는 것이다. 그러나 이전 학업수행능력은 소수인종학생에 대해서는 의과대학 수행능력을 과대평가하여 예측하며, 백인학생에 대해서는 과소평가하여 예측한다.
A common finding across several studies is that traditional cognitive selection measures (medical college admission test, grade point average) show significant predictive power for ethnic minority groups.w34,w45,w46,w55,w96,w97 However, measures of previous academic performance tend to overpredict for ethnic minorities but to underpredict for white students.w94,w95 No studies have examined whether differential experiences of training in medical schools contribute to this difference.
학습유형 Learning styles
학습유형은 학습동기와 학습과제에 대한 접근법 두 가지를 모두 다룬다. 아래의 두 가지 모델이 주로 사용된다.
Learning style covers both motivations for learning and the processes by which the student approaches the task of learning. Two general models of learning styles have been used (box).
Models of learning styles
Tripartite model
The first model is based on three learning approaches: “deep,” “strategic,” and “surface.19,w28
Deep learning is based on three motivational factors (intrinsic motivation, vocational interest, and personal understanding) and three learning processes (making links across material, searching for a deeper understanding of the material, and looking for general principles).
Strategic learning is motivated by a desire to be successful and leads to patchy and variable understanding.
Surface learning is motivated by fear of failure and a desire to complete a course, with students tending to rely on learning “by rote” and focusing on particular tasks.
Kolb model
The second model is based on Kolb's description of four approaches to learning—
concrete experience (experiential learning), abstract conceptualisation (development of analytic strategies and theories), active experimentation (learning through action and risk taking), and reflective observation (viewing problems from multiple perspectives before deciding how to proceed).w100
These four approaches combine to produce four types of learner: “convergers” (emphasise the deductive method), “divergers” (use creative problem solving and view a problem from many perspectives before acting), “assimilators” (prefer an inductive approach), and “accommodators” (prefer hands-on experience as a way of learning).
삼원모델(tripartite model)에 대한 연구를 보면, 전략적 학습(Strategic learning)과 최종 성적관의 유의한 정적 상관관계가 꾸준히 보고되고 있다. 일부 연구에서는 심도학습(Deep learning)이 시험 수행능력과 연관된다고 보고하고 있지만, 다른 연구에서는 그렇지 않다. 유사하게 표면학습(surface learning)과 시험 성적간의 부적 상관관계가 보고되고 있으나, 일부 연구에서는 이러한 효과를 보여주지 않고 있다.
The studies examining the tripartite model in medical students have shown a relatively consistent finding of a significant positive association between the use of strategic learning and final marks (uncorrected r 0.178 to 0.26)w28,w99,w103-w105; only one study failed to replicate this effect.w101 However, although some evidence shows that deep learning has a positive association with performance in examinations (0.157 to 0.262),w28,w104 other studies have failed to replicate this finding.w101,w103 Similarly, although a significant negative association has been reported between surface learning and examination performance (for example, Embedded Image0.204),w28 several studies have failed to replicate this effect.w91,w101,w103
콜브의 모델을 활용한 연구를 보면, '수렴형'학습 스타일을 가진 학생이 다른 스타일보다 뛰어난 것으로 나타난다. 전략적 학습, 수렴적 학습 스타일을 활용하는 것이 좋을 것이다. 표면, 심도, 전략적 학습 스타일은 일정 정도의 안정정 특성을 보인다. 그러나, 이는 중간정도의 효과크기를 갖기 때문에, 다시 말하면 학습스타일은 바뀔 수 있는 것이고 의과대학에서 어떤 학습스킬을 사용하는 것이 좋을지 가르쳐주는 것이 유용할 수 있다.
Results from studies using the Kolb model suggest that students with a “convergers” learning style tend to perform better than those with any other style.w99,w100 Adopting a strategic or converger learning style seems to be a useful strategy for students who wish to succeed. Surface, deep, and strategic learning styles seem to show some degree of trait stability (0.33 to 0.42). However, this is only a moderate effect, suggesting that learning styles can change.w28 It may therefore be useful for medical educational programmes to teach students how to use the more successful study skills. 20 21
면접 Interviews
면접의 예측력 연구에는 세 종류가 있다. 첫 번째는 면접을 보고 입학한 학생과 면접을 보지 않고 입학한 학생(또는 한 대학에서는 불합격했지만, 다른 대학에는 합격한 학생)을 비교하는 것이다. 이들 연구에서는 면접에 따른 차이가 거의 없으며, 학생선발과정에서 기여하는 바가 적다고 결론내린 바 있다. 그러나 방법론적 한계가 있는데, 표본의 숫자가 작고, selection bias를 완전히 없애지 못했으며, 결과척도가 제한적이라는 점에서 그러하다.
Three types of study have explored the predictive power of interviews. The first type compared the performance of medical students who were interviewed and accepted with that of students who were accepted without intervieww113,w114 or those rejected by one medical school (Yale) but accepted at another, both on the basis of an interview, with those accepted by Yale but who chose to go to another medical school.w107 These studies showed no differences and concluded that the interview added little to the selection process. However, the studies had methodological limitations, including the use of small numbers (cohort range 23-113), a failure to eliminate selection biases, and a limited range of outcome measures.
두 번째 종류의 연구는 평가자의 평가를 초기 임상실습 전 성취나 유급 등과 비교하거나, 의사로서의 종합적 평가와 비교하는 것이다. 이러한 연구는 면접이 미래의 성공을 예측할 수 있음을 보고하고 있다. 예컨대 면접총점은 학장상(Dean's letter of recommendation) 이나 GPA와 상관관계가 있다.
The second type of study related interviewers' ratings (for example, overall suitability for medicine) to the interviewees' early preclinical success, withdrawal, and drop out ratesw27,w30,w72,w76,w88,w111,w112,w115,w116 and overall rating of the graduate physicians' potential competency as doctors.w111 These studies reported evidence that interview scores were able to predict future success. For example, overall interview rating correlated with a Dean's letter of recommendation (0.33)w111 and grade point average (0.08 to 0.14).w117
셋째로 면접점수와 다른 입학점수와 비교하는 것이다. 면접점수는 GPA를 통제한 이후에도 초기 수련과정의 성공과 독립적으로 연관되어 있었다.
Thirdly, one study compared the interview with other pre-admission criteria.w117 Interview ratings were independently associated with success in early training after controlling for grade point average (for example, 0.11).
즉, 면접을 통해서 예측력을 갖춘 추가 정보를 수집할 수 있으나, 평가자간 차이에 대한 요인이나 systemic bias가 존재하는지, 평가자훈련의 효과가 있는가에 대한 연구가 부족하다.
Thus useful additional information that has predictive power for outcome can probably be collected from an interview. However, little is known about factors such as the impact of inter-interviewer variation, whether any systematic biases exist, and the effect of training for interviewers.w117
자기소개서와 추천서 Personal statements and references
두 개의 연구에서 자기소개서의 예측력을 조사하였다. 한 연구에서는 초기 전임상 성공과 관련성을 찾지 못하였으며, 다른 연구에서는 작은 부적 상관관계를 발견하였다. 지금까지는 결론을 내리기에는 연구가 부족하다.
Two studies examined the predictive value of personal statements provided by candidates on their suitability to study medicine. One study analysed the content of candidates' actual statements and found no evidence that they predicted early preclinical success.w10 The other study used weighted proforma information about cultural skills (not candidates' actual statements) and found a small negative association with outcome (Embedded Image=Embedded Image0.184).w27 Thus too few data on personal statements are available to allow definitive conclusions to be drawn. More work is needed, especially into the relation between statements and clinical and postgraduate performance.
추천서와 관련해서는 한 연구에서 예측력 근거를 찾지 못했다고 보고한 바 있는데, 이는 다른 직업에서 나타난 결과와 일관된다.
The only study on the value of references suggested that the academic reference had no predictive value in subsequent achievement.w110 This is consistent with the conclusions from studies of the value of references in other occupations.
졸업후 수행능력에 대한 예측 Prediction of postgraduate clinical competence
대부분의 연구는 학부시절 성취에 대한 예측력을 조사한다. 졸업 후 역량에 대한 연구는 더 적다. 그러나 일부 연구가 이루어진 바 있는데, 의과대학 시기의 인지능력과 비인지적능력이 졸업후 임상역량을 예측한다는 연구가 있다. 일부 연구에서는 NBME part III점수의 51%까지도 설명한다고 보여주고 있으며, 또 다른 연구에서는 입학 전 점수가 인턴 시기 역량과 약한 관계가 있음을 보여준 바 있다. 의과대학시절의 성취와의 유의미한 상관관계가 약 60%에서 보고되었다면, 인턴시절의 성취와는 약 10%에서만 유의한 관계가 보고되고 있다. 이러한 패턴은 우리의 메타분석에서도 나타난다.
Most studies of the predictive power of pre-admission cognitive and non-cognitive factors have focused on predicting success in undergraduate medical training. Fewer studies have examined pre-admission criteria as predictors of postgraduate medical competence. Several papers do, however, explore how cognitive factors (such as data gathering and analysis skills, knowledge, first to fourth year grade point average, and NMBE parts I and II) and non-cognitive factors (such as interpersonal skills and attitudes) assessed during medical student training predict postgraduate clinical competence.22 23 24 25 26 27 These studies show that cognitive factors can account for up to 51% of the variance in NBME part III grade.26 Only two studies have compared the predictive power of both admissions criteria (grade point average and medical college admission test) and scores in medical school examinations in relation to postgraduate competence.w47,w64 The evidence from these comparative studies indicates that the pre-medical scores show a weak relation to internship competence. For example, Richards et al showed that 60% (9/15) of the associations between previous academic ability and undergraduate success were significant (r range 0.17 to 0.34) but that only 10% (one) of the associations between previous academic performance and intern performance rating were significant (0.20).w47 This pattern of findings is confirmed by our meta-analysis. More detailed longitudinal studies exploring the complex relations between admissions criteria (cognitive, non-cognitive, and demographic), medical school performance, and postgraduate medical competence are needed.
졸업후 역량을 연구할 때 있어 주요 장애물은 서로 다른 전공간에 비교를 위한 점수체계를 만드는 것이다. 이는 "criterion problem"으로 알려져 있으며, 의학 뿐 만 아니라 다른 분야에서도 겪는 문제이다. 이 문제에 대한 한 가지 해결은 각 과별 세부적인 직무분석을 통해 core와 specific skill에 대한 역략이반모델을 개발하는 것이다.
One of the main problems with studying postgraduate clinical performance is establishing a comparable scoring system for assessing competency in different specialties. This is known as the “criterion problem” and confronts the prediction of success in all jobs, not just medicine. 28 29 One solution to this problem has been to develop competency based models of core and specific skills, through detailed job analyses of individual medical specialties.30
Discussion and conclusions
Relatively few studies provide comparative analyses of the predictive power of the wide variety of factors used in combination for selecting medical students (interview, grade point average, learning styles, personality). The research that has been undertaken has mainly concentrated on measures of previous academic ability as a predictor of undergraduate achievement. More work is needed to identify selection criteria that predict postgraduate performance.
Consistent with reviews in other occupational areas, academic or cognitive ability was a moderate predictor of success in undergraduate medical training.29 The strength of this association before corrections was moderate (0.30) in terms of Cohen's calibration, becoming large (0.48) after correction.12 Previous academic performance, however, would be classified as a predictor with a small effect (0.14 uncorrected, 0.24 corrected) for postgraduate medical competence.
Few studies have examined the effects of learning styles, interviews, personal statements, and references in relation to achievement in medical training. These factors need to be explored in future studies. The evidence indicates that work on learning styles is likely to be fruitful. The academic reference seems to have no predictive power. Virtually no research has examined the predictive power of personal statements. This is an important area for future research, as the personal statement forms an important part of the current selection process in the United Kingdom. More sophisticated research into the value of the interview is also needed—to explore the structure of interviews, how they are conducted, the effects of training, whether different interviewers (for example, psychiatrists or surgeons) focus on different factors, and how the predictive power can be enhanced.
Sufficient preliminary data indicating an impact of personality on medical school progression exist to warrant further research. However, the research needs to be conducted in a more prospective and systematic fashion.w10 “Achievement striving,” “state anxiety,” and “conscientiousness” should be the focus in future studies.
Future research needs to take a more multivariate approach to studying predictors of success in medical training. Predictors are likely to be intercorrelated,31,w10 as are outcome measures. Furthermore, learning across the medical degree (and indeed postgraduate learning) occurs over time, and time series analyses and models that allow for prediction of change over time would also be a useful approach. The use of structural modelling procedures,5 as well as hierarchical structural models using structural and time series components, would be beneficial to developing our understanding of the prediction of performance.
Factors associated with success in medical school: systematic review of the literature.
Author information
- 1School of Psychology, University of Nottingham, Nottingham NG7 2RD, UK. eamonn.ferguson@nottingham.ac.uk
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