Introducing Medical Students to Careers in Medical Education: The Student Track at an Annual Medical Education Conference
Benjamin Blatt, MD, Margaret Plack, PT, EdD, Mari Suzuki, MD, Sruthi Arepalli, Scott Schroth, MD, MPH, and Alex Stagnaro-Green, MD, MHPE
Junior faculty를 모집하고 유지하는 것은 쉽지 않은 과정이며, 특히 academic medicine이 마주하고 있는 쉽지 않은 도전들을 감안할때 더욱 그러하다.
The recruitment and retention of junior faculty is a daunting process, especially given the challenges presently confronting academic medicine.1,2
- New faculty are entering a revenue-driven environment focused on clinical productivity and grant procurement at a time when health care reform legislation promises to transform the practice of clinical medicine.
- In addition, they are fulfilling the educational core mission of an academic health center—training the next generation of clinicians.3,4
- Faculty physicians must negotiate this complex landscape while sometimes receiving lower income than their colleagues in clinical practice.
academic medicine으로의 진로에 흥미를 갖게 하려면 일찍 노출시키고, 잘못된 인식을 바로잡아주고, 확실한 진로 방향을 잡아줘야 한다. 임상의 또는 연구자로서의 진로는 제법 명확하게 규정되어 있다. 그러나 의학교육에 관심이 있는 학생들이 교실 바깥에서 의학교육자들과 활발히 교류하기 위한 방법은 많지 않다. 이렇게 불분명한 진로 pathway는 현재와 같이 전 국가적으로 교육과정이 개편되고, competency based education을 하고, 혁신적인 교육 기법들이 활용되는 시기에 더욱 문제가 된다.
To generate interest in careers in academic medicine, experts recommend early exposure, clarification of misperceptions, and delineation of clear career pathways.5–7 Medical students—who are in the process of considering, testing, and exploring career options—are an obvious group to target.
- Interestingly, the pathway to a career as a clinician or funded researcher is relatively well delineated, as medical schools and national organizations offer students opportunities to participate in student interest groups and research experiences.
- Few avenues exist, however, for students interested in medical education to become actively involved with medical educators beyond the classroom. The lack of a clear pathway to a career as a clinician–educator is particularly troubling given the current national-level focus on curriculum reform, competency-based education, and innovative pedagogical techniques—all of which require trained professionals for successful design and implementation.
아마 학생들이 의학교육 진로에 노출될 수 있는 가장 용이한 방법은 교육과정 위원회에 대표로서 참여하는 것일 것이다. 그러나 이는 영역이 제한적이고, 참여할 수 있는 학생도 제한적이다. 또 다른 접근법은 여른방학 시기를 이용한 의학교육 리더십 프로그램이 있고, 또한 scholarly concentration 또는 track system도 가능하다.
Perhaps the most common way in which students are exposed to medical education careers is through involvement as representatives on curriculum committees. This exposure is limited in scope, though, and typically includes few students in a given class. Other approaches include summer medical education leadership programs 8 and medical schools’ structured scholarly concentrations (SCs) or track systems. SCs, some of which span all four years of medical school, enable students to elect longitudinal experiences in education, research, global health, and other areas, depending on their interests.9 Initially, most SC programs focused on basic or clinical research, but a number of schools have recently implemented SCs in other domains, including medical education.10–13
의과대학생들이 의학교육에 노출될 수 있는 또 다른 기회는 의학교육학술대회로서 학문적인 것 뿐만 아니라, 네트워크, 협동, 정보공유의 장이 될 수 있다. 이러한 학회에 참여함으로서 진로 개발에 필요한 학습을 하고, 기술을 개발하고, 롤모델을 찾고, 긍정적 학습환경을 경험하고, 네트워크를 쌓을 수 있다. 2011년 NEGEA의 연례 컨퍼런스 행사.
A venue with rich potential for exposing medical students to careers in medical education is the annual medical education conference, which is a principal source of educational scholarship, networking, collaboration, and information sharing. Attendance at such a conference offers students opportunities for career-specific learning, skill development, role models, positive and encouraging learning environments, and networking, all of which can have a positive effect on career choice.6 To harness the March 2011 Northeast Group on Educational Affairs (NEGEA) annual retreat’s career-building potential for medical students, we incorporated a student track, with an array of events in which they could become actively involved.
의학교육 SC가 있는 대학에 다니는 학생에게 있어서 의학교육학회에 학생으로서 참여하는 것은 아주 좋은 경험이 될 수 있다. 대부분의 SC에서 학술 업적을 이룰 것을 요구하기 때문에, 학생은 여기에 참여함으로서 자신의 연구결과를 발표하고, 동료로부터 의견을 받을 수도 있다. 그 외에도 여러 장점이 있음.
For students who attend a school with a medical education SC, participating in a student track of a medical education conference fits nicely with their concentration.
- Because most SCs require scholarly products, a conference student track complements the SC by providing a means for students to present their work, thus fulfilling the peer-review and dissemination elements of scholarship.
- In addition, a student track enables students to acquire experience, knowledge, and skills through participation in activities specially designed for and focused on them.
의학교육 SC가 없는 대학 학생이라면 의학교육 관련 진로에 대한 안내를 받는 경험이 될 수 있다.
For students who attend schools without medical education SCs (the vast majority), a student track may serve as the only introduction to careers in medical education.
NEGA컨퍼런스의 사례를 보여주고자 함. SCCT는 의학 분야에서 만들어진 이로느 아니나, 의학 분야에서 career-building effort에 유용한 도구로 사용되어왔다.
In this article, we describe how we instituted the NEGEA conference’s first student track and provide guides for building future student tracks based on our experience and the constructs of social cognitive career theory (SCCT). This theory, which was developed in nonmedical fields, has emerged in the medical literature as a useful means for anchoring career-building efforts in medicine.7 To the best of our knowledge, no other student career-building program nested within a medical education conference has been described in the literature.
- Design of the student track
- Recruitment of participants
Guides for Planning Student Tracks
In considering how we might enhance future student tracks, we reflected on our experience and drew from SCCT. Below, we offer guides for recruiting and designing student tracks and share lessons learned. Although our focus is on medical education, we believe the suggestions they present will be useful for educators planning conference-based student tracks in any field.
참여자 모집 가이드
A guide to recruiting participants
The recommendations in the following guide are generalized from our experience and participant input regarding recruiting students:
- 초기에 운영위원회에 요청
Solicit student participation early in planning committee activities. Enlist students in important roles in designing and implementing the student track.
- 비용은 낮게, 숙박과 식사 제공.
Design the conference to be low cost for students and, if possible, provide free student housing and meals.
- 교수 및 다른 학교 학생과의 교류 기회 강조
Emphasize opportunities to engage with faculty and students from other institutions in a nonthreatening, learner-centered environment
- 타겟 학생 확인
Identify and target students with a special interest in the conference topics. (Most of our attendees had prior interest in medical education.)
- 다른 학생들 대상 의학교육학회의 전반적 가치를 강조
Target other students by emphasizing the general value of a medical education conference.
(We emphasized the usefulness of teaching, leadership, and medical education research skills to any academic career.)
- 교수의 직접 접촉
Make personal and direct contact with faculty at other institutions to tell them about the student track and ask them to identify and invite interested students. (This was our most successful means of recruitment.)
학생 트렉 설계 가이드
A guide to designing student tracks
As we considered ways to maximize the potential long-term impact of a student track, we looked to SCCT. SCCT has long history in nonmedical fields and has built an evidence base to support its effectiveness in predicting career choice and success.5 Because of its predictive value, SCCT can be used to guide the development and estimate the long-term career influence of a student track such as ours.
SCCT contends that the interaction of personal characteristics with the environment results in experiences that can affect future career choices and work performance. These experiences exert their effect through influencing self-efficacy (the belief in one’s ability to succeed) and outcome expectations (the belief that a career choice will lead to valued outcomes).5,14,15
자기효능감을 강화하고 기대 성과 강화하기 위한 SCCT에서 제시하는 네 가지 요인
SCCT proposes that four factors can strengthen self-efficacy and outcomes expectations:
- personal success experience,
- exposure to successful role models,
- social and verbal persuasive communications, and
- positive emotional reactions (as would be elicited by a supportive learning climate).5,7
To promote career building through a medical education conference, it then follows that planners should aim to fully incorporate each of these factors into the student track experience. In Table 1, we present a guide for planners. In it we populate each of the four factors with features that, from our experience, we believe will help planners realize this goal.
효과적인 학생 트렉 설계를 위한 기타 고려사항
Other considerations for designing effective student tracks
In reflecting further on our experience with the NEGEA student track, we identified concerns that should be addressed when creating a new program.
네 개의 SCCT factor가 잘 달성되었는지 불확실함.
First, although our track addressed the four SCCT factors, it is unclear whether it addressed them optimally. Many students’ comments indicated that they would have liked the conference to have provided them with more opportunities to develop self-efficacy and interact with faculty role models. Planners of future student tracks should consider ways to maximize these opportunities and to evaluate their quantity and quality.
학생들에게 barrier가 될 수 있는 것을 고려해야 함.
Second is a concern about barriers, which, as noted by Lent and colleagues,16 prevent students from pursuing educational exposures and may influence career choices. Although we recognized the need to provide a low-cost conference with housing and food included, we did not address financial and other barriers to career choice and progression beyond the conference. Student track planners should consider including programming that addresses these barriers. Also, studies are needed to clarify the barriers and supports that may most influence the decision to choose a career in medical education.
지속적 경험이 되기 위한 강화(reinforcement)가 필요하다.
Third, as our student track was a one-time event without built-in follow-up, it could not offer the reinforcing benefits of a continuity experience. Without reinforcement, the inspiration that students glean from attending a conference may dissipate when they return to their home institutions. SCCT theorists emphasize the importance of continuity for effective career building.5,7 Continuity provides repeated exposure to opportunities that SCCT deems critical to optimizing student career interest.6 From such exposure comes the chance for in-depth understanding of the scope of a medical education career, clarification of potential misperceptions, and bonding with role models.6,17 Continuity experiences can also promote ongoing goal setting, which is an important predictor of career choice.6,17
Considering the value of continuity through mentoring,18 we recommend that future student tracks be designed as springboards for participants’ further development in medical education at their home institutions. Continuity may be arranged through faculty advisor relationships with medical educators, perhaps the very educators that sponsored their attendance at the conference. It may also be promoted by participation in formal students-as-teachers programs, which as of 2010 were offered by 43% of medical schools.19 Better still is the continuity provided when a student track is integrated with a medical school SC in medical education. In doing so, the annual conference student track can become part of a comprehensive model to support students in their journey toward a medical education career. Ideally, SC student participation should be yearly and progressive, with increasing involvement in medical education conferences as students advance through their concentration. For example, first-year medical students could focus on gleaning information and skills from conference workshops and from others’ scholarship, while more advanced medical students might focus on their own scholarship through submitting and presenting posters, workshops, and papers.
Introducing medical students to careers in medical education: the student track at an annual medical educationconference.
Few avenues exist to familiarize medical students with careers as clinician-educators, and the clinician-educator career pathway has not been well defined. In this article, the authors describe how they integrated a career-oriented student track into the 2011 Northeast Group on Educational Affairs (NEGEA) annual retreat to introduce students to careers in medical education. Annual education conferences are principal sources of educational scholarship, networking, collaboration, and information sharing; as such, they represent attractive venues for early exposure to the culture of medical education. The authors' goal in creating the NEGEA conference student track was to excite students about careers in medical education by providing them with an array of opportunities for active involvement in both student-specific and general conference activities.The authors draw from their experience to provide a guide for recruiting student participants to career-building student tracks. They also offer a guide for developing future student tracks, based on their experience and grounded in social cognitive career theory. Although their focus is on medical education, they believe these guides will be useful for educators planning a conference-based student track in any field.
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