Think Globally, Act Locally, and Collaborate Internationally: Global Health Sciences at the University of California, San Francisco
Sarah B. Macfarlane, MSc, Nina Agabian, PhD, Thomas E. Novotny, MD, MPH, George W. Rutherford, MD, Christopher C. Stewart, MD, and Haile T. Debas, MD
UCSF는 전 캠퍼스 차원의 프로그램인 GHS를 2003년 설립하였다. GHS의 미션은 네 개의 단과대학(치의학, 의학, 간호학, 약학dentistry, medicine, nursing, and pharmacy),을 아우르는 프로그램을 만들어 UCSF가 국제보건에 좀 더 많이 기여하도록 하는 것이다.
(1) creating a supportive environment that promotes UCSF’s leadership role in global health,
(2) providing education and training in global health,
(3) convening and coordinating global health research activities,
(4) establishing global health outreach programs locally in San Francisco and California,
(5) partnering with academic centers, especially less-well-resourced institutions in low- and middle-income countries, and
(6) developing and collaborating in international initiatives that address neglected global health issues.
The University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) established Global Health Sciences (GHS) as a campus-wide initiative in 2003. The mission of GHS is to facilitate UCSF’s engagement in global health across its four schools by (1) creating a supportive environment that promotes UCSF’s leadership role in global health, (2) providing education and training in global health, (3) convening and coordinating global health research activities, (4) establishing global health outreach programs locally in San Francisco and California, (5) partnering with academic centers, especially less-well-resourced institutions in low- and middle-income countries, and (6) developing and collaborating in international initiatives that address neglected global health issues.
GHS교육 프로그램에는 2008년부터 시작될 예정인 석사프로그램, UCSF 구성원(residents)들에게 국제보건에 대해 소개하는 프로그램, 저소득 및 중소득 국가로부터 석사/박사과정 학생을 교육시켜서 학위를 주는 프로그램 등이 있다.
GHS education programs include...
- a master of science (MS) program expected to start in September 2008,
- an introduction to global health for UCSF residents, and
- a year of training at UCSF for MS and PhD students from low- and middle-income countries that is “sandwiched” between years in their own education program and results in a UCSF Sandwich Certificate.
GHS는 캘리포니아의 다른 기관들과 협력하여 migration and health에 초점을 둔 사업을 하며, 저소득 및 중소득 국가의 academic center와 협력하여 보건의료인력을 양성하기 위한 academic partnership을 맺었다.
GHS’s work with partner institutions in California has a preliminary focus on migration and health, and its work with academic centers in low- and middle-income countries focuses primarily on academic partnerships to train human resources for health.
Partnering with academic institutions
GHS’s collaborations with academic institutions in the United States, Asia, Europe, Latin America, and Africa provide us with a platform from which to develop new knowledge useful to the global health community and to provide opportunities for faculty and student exchanges between UCSF and these institutions.
The Global Health Faculty Scholars Program described above is one element of a strategy to build long-term institutional relationships with international academic institutions, most of which are located in low- and middle-income countries.
Some of these institutions, particularly those in sub-Saharan Africa, are struggling to increase their output of qualified graduates to address the health workforce crisis in their countries. Inadequate academic infrastructure and an insufficient number of faculty members make this a daunting task.
UCSF와 같이 대규모의, 많은 자원을 가지고 있는 기관이, 자원이 부족한 보건관련 기관과 협력하는 것은 장기적으로 두 기관 모두에게 목표 달성을 위한 좋은 전략이 될 수 있다. 이는 흔하게 있는 학문적 관계, 즉 개개 교수, 프로젝트, 학과 차원의 것과는 성격이 다르다.
We believe that for an institution as large and well-resourced as UCSF, forming partnerships at the institutional level with less-well-resourced schools of health sciences can be a step toward developing long-term strategies that meet the goals of both institutions. This approach contrasts with typical international academic relationships, which are more often at the individual faculty, project, or department level.
Since 2005, we have been working with Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS) in Tanzania to develop a comprehensive institutional partnership model.9 The components of the model include building cross-campus health sciences cores at each institution to introduce educational innovations across all professional degree programs; arranging sandwich programs that match the needs of students in different MUHAS departments and schools with the skills and expertise available across the UCSF campus; providing institution-wide faculty and student exchange programs between our institutions; developing exchange programs for senior administrators; and creating multidisciplinary collaborative research programs.
Addressing neglected global health issues
외과에 대한 promotion은 GHS에 독특한 우선순위영역 중 하나이다.
The promotion of surgery as a much-overlooked but cost-effective strategy to prevent morbidity and mortality in many low- and middle- income countries is a major priority area that is unique to GHS. Our research has highlighted that, especially in the care of injury victims and obstetrical complications, certain surgical interventions provided in district hospitals can significantly reduce disability-adjusted life years at a cost per person comparable with that of providing immunization.10,11 A strategy is needed to create awareness of national governments and international agencies to raise essential surgery on their agendas, to generate new research, and to translate our knowledge into universal interventions that impact morbidity and mortality.
In June 2007, in collaboration with the Karolinska Institute, the Fogarty International Center, World Bank, and the World Health Organization, we cohosted a meeting on increasing access to surgical services in resource-constrained settings in sub-Saharan Africa at the Rockefeller Foundation’s Bellagio Conference Center. The meeting formed The Bellagio Essential Surgery Group with representation from Kenya, Eritrea, Mozambique, Southern Sudan, Tanzania, and Uganda. Building on experiences such as those gained from training assistant medical officers, or Técnicos de Cirurgia, in Mozambique,12 this consortium agreed to develop health services research and surgical training programs in underserved regions of sub-Saharan Africa and to build infrastructures that will make surgical services more accessible at the district hospital level. Through our GHS Essential Surgery program, we will continue to support these efforts and to conduct further research.
기존의 UCSF의 academic structure가 21세기의 복잡한 국제보건 문제를 해결하기에 부적절하다는 것을 인지하였으며, GHS는 University of California의 다른 아홉 개 캠퍼스와 협력하여 university-wide transdisciplinary initiative 를 개발하고자 노력하고 있다.
Recognizing that the existing academic structure at UCSF may be inadequate to address the complexity of global health threats in the 21st century, GHS is working with the nine other campuses of the University of California to develop a university-wide transdisciplinary initiative in global health.
Think globally, act locally, and collaborate internationally: global health sciences at the University of California, San Francisco.
The University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) established Global Health Sciences (GHS) as a campus-wide initiative in 2003. The mission of GHS is to facilitate UCSF's engagement in global health across its four schools by (1) creating a supportive environment that promotes UCSF's leadership role in global health, (2) providing education and training in global health, (3) convening and coordinating global health research activities, (4) establishing global health outreach programs locally in San Francisco and California, (5) partnering with academic centers, especially less-well-resourced institutions in low- and middle-income countries, and (6) developing and collaborating in international initiatives that address neglected global health issues.GHS education programs include a master of science (MS) program expected to start in September 2008, an introduction to global health for UCSF residents, and a year of training at UCSF for MS and PhD students from low- and middle-income countries that is "sandwiched" between years in their own education program and results in a UCSF Sandwich Certificate. GHS's work with partner institutions in California has a preliminary focus on migration and health, and its work with academic centers in low- and middle-income countries focuses primarily on academic partnerships to train human resources for health. Recognizing that the existing academic structure at UCSF may be inadequate to address the complexity of global health threats in the 21st century, GHS is working with the nine other campuses of the University of California to develop a university-wide transdisciplinary initiative in global health.
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