“Genes to Society”—The Logic and Process of the New Curriculum for the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Charles M. Wiener, MD, Patricia A. Thomas, MD, Elizabeth Goodspeed, MHS, David Valle, MD, and David G. Nichols, MD
2009년 8월, 존스홉킨스 의과대학은 "유전자에서 사회로"라는 새로운 교육과정을 도입하였다. 새로운 교육과정은 건강과 질병의 맥락을 더 넓은 범위에서 바라보고, 학생들로 하여금 환자의 건강을 더 넓은, 사회/문화/정신/환경이 통합된 시스템에서 바라보도록 하는 것에 그 목적이 있다. 이러한 접근법은 환자의 표현형은 내적인 요인들과 외적인 요인들이 종합되어 나타난다는 것을 보여준다. GTS는 건강과 질병의 이분법적 접근을 거부하고, 환자를 "무증상이며 잠재적인"상태에서 "심각한 상태"까지의 연속체로 바라보도록 한다. GTS는 개인을 유전체에서 환경까지를 포괄하여 바라보는 다가오는 의학의 혁명에 발맞추어 학생들의 경험을 재조직할 필요에 의해 개발되었다. 본 논문은 목표를 설정하고, 새로운 교육과정을 개발하고, 새로운 교육건물을 만들고, 학생 생활과 교수 개발을 향상시키는 5년간의 과정을 묘사하고자 하였다. 수직적 구조와 수평적 구조를 만들었으며, 이 모든 것이 모여 GTS 교육과정을 이루었다. GTS를 도입하는 과정에서 중요한 난관들을 해결하는데 핵심적 요소들은 리더십의 지원, 교수와의 대화, 다양한 구성원의 참여, 좁은 시야의 극복, 개념과 방법을 시험하기 위한 파일럿 코스 등등이었다. GTS는 미래 의사들의 기초과학/임상 진로개발을 위한 토대이다.
In August 2009, the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine implemented a new curriculum, “Genes to Society” (GTS), aimed at reframing the context of health and illness more broadly, to encourage students to explore the biologic properties of a patient’s health within a larger, integrated system including social, cultural, psychological, and environmental variables. This approach presents the patient’s phenotype as the sum of internal (genes, molecules, cells, and organs) and external (environment, family, and society) factors within a defined system. Unique genotypic and societal factors bring individuality and variability to the student’s attention. GTS rejects the phenotypic dichotomy of health and illness, preferring to view patients along a phenotypic continuum from “asymptomatic and latent” to “critically ill.” GTS grew out of a perceived need to reformulate the student experience to meet the oncoming revolution in medicine that recognizes individuality from the genome to the environment. This article describes the five-year planning process that included the definition of objectives, development of the new curriculum, commission of a new education building, addition of enhancements in student life and faculty development, and creation of a vertical and horizontal structure, all of which culminated in the GTS curriculum. Critical ingredients in meeting the challenges of implementing GTS were leadership support, dialogue with faculty, broad engagement of the institutional community, avoidance of tunnel vision, and the use of pilot courses to test concepts and methods. GTS can be viewed as the foundation for the scientific and clinical career development of future physicians.
Acad Med. 2010; 85:498–506.
1910년 발간된 플렉스너 보고서는 의학에서 과학의 중요성을 역설하며 의학교육의 혁명을 일으켰다. 한 세기 휘, 생의학 연구에서 유전학이 사회적 경제적 변화를 가속시키면서 많은 사람들이 다시 한 번 의학교육에 변화의 시기가 왔음을 주장하고 있다. 이를 위해서 우리는 의학교육 교과과정의 새로운 개념틀을 제안하였다. 생물학과 환경적 개인성(environmental individuality)에 기반한 본 교육과정의 주요 목적은 건강과 질병을 더 넓은 틀에서 다시 바라보고, 의과대학생들로하여금 개개인의 건강을 사회/문화/심리/환경 등을 포괄한 더 넓고 통합적인 시스템 내에서 바라보도록 하는 것이다.
The Flexner Report,1 published in 1910, stressed the importance of science for medicine and catalyzed a revolution in medical education. A century later, with genomics catalyzing a revolution in biomedical research in an environment of accelerating social and economic change, many have argued it is time for another sea change in medical education.2 To this end, we proposed a new conceptual framework for the medical education curriculum, to be based on principles of biologic and environmental individuality. A major goal of this new curriculum is to reframe the context of health and illness more broadly, to encourage medical students to explore the biologic properties of an individual’s health in the light of a larger integrated system that also includes social, cultural, psychological, and environmental variables.3,4
이 교육과정은 유전자에서 사회로(GTS)라고 불리며, 유전적, 환경적, 사회적 영향이 변화한다는 것에 기초하고 있다.
This curriculum, called “Genes to Society” (GTS), is based on the precept that genetic, environmental, and societal influences are subject to variation.
우리가 이렇게 생각한 것은 Barton Childs로부터 영향을 받은 것이다. 전통적으로 의사들은 "무엇이 잘못된 것이고, 나는 무엇을 할 수 있지?"라고 생각해왔다.
Our thinking in this regard has been greatly influenced by the ideas of Barton Childs7 and his advocacy for genetic thinking in medicine. The physician’s classic perspective is “What is wrong, and what can I do?”
그러나 이제는 "왜 이 특정한 사람이 이 특정한 시기에 이 특정한 질병에 걸렸는가?"가 질문이 되었다. 이러한 새로운 관점은 Sir Archibald Garrod가 1902년 처음 주장한 chemical individuality에 기반한 것이다.
“Why does this particular person have this particular disorder at this time?” or “Why is my patient at risk for developing certain problems and what can I do to prevent or forestall their onset?”8 This “new” view of medical education derives from Sir Archibald Garrod9 and his seminal idea of chemical individuality, which he first proposed in 1902.
레퍼런스 인간 유전자가 밝혀지고 개개인의 염기서열이 다르다는 것을 알게 되면서 유전적 다양성의 범위과 그 복잡함이 드러난 것이다.
The elucidation of the reference human genome sequence and the growing appreciation of the uniqueness of each person’s version of this sequence, confirmed by recent sequencing of “personal genomes,” have exposed the extent and complexity of genetic variation.10 –12
개인성과 인간게놈프로젝트의 영향
Individuality and the Impact of the Human Genome Project
즉, 모든 환자는 다 다르다는 것이다.
that every patient is unique.13
사람과 사람 사이에는 SNP나 CNV의 형태로 수백만의 차이가 존재하며 이것이 유전자가 개인성(individuality)에 기여하는 바이다.
several million differences exist between the genome of one person and that of another, in the form of single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and copy number variations (CNVs) that provide the genetic contribution to individuality.14,15
더 나아가서 복잡한 생물학적 시스템에서 작용을 하는 단백질이 있다. 이러한 다양성이 어떻게 생물학적 시스템 하에서 영향을 주는가가 개개인의 건강 상태를 이해하는데 중요하다.
Moreover, the variation in the protein products of genes plays out in the behavior of complex biological systems made up of these proteins. Knowledge of how this variation affects the properties of these biological systems (called “systems biology”) will be important for gaining an understanding of the dynamic state of an individual’s health.
미래의 의사들은 생물학적 시스템에 개인별 정보(유전자, 유전체, 단백질, 세포, 조직, 기관, 환경, 사회)에 기반한 근거를 통합적으로 해석할 수 있어야 한다.
Future physicians will integrate individual bits of evidence into a biologic system that extends from genes and the genome, proteins, cells, tissues, and organs (internal elements) to the environment and society (external elements).
교육과정 개혁 - 절차와 도전
The Curriculum Reform—Process and Challenges
광범위한 조사, 존스홉킨스 의과대학의 모든 구성원의 참여, 그리고 우연히 따른 운이 우리의 교육과정 개혁을 이뤘다. JHU는 성공적으로 교육 혁신을 이룬 역사가 있으며, 이것이 임박해있던 변화의 중요한 배경이 되었다.
Broad inquiry, complete involvement of all elements of the JHU School of Medicine, and some serendipity have marked our curriculum reform process. JHU is fortunate to have an institutional history of successful educational innovation, which provided an important context for the changes that were to take place.22,23
2002년 소아과학교실 주임교수가 교육부학장에게 같은 교실의 Barton Childs라는 교수가 쓴 Genetic Medicine이라는 책을 건넸다.
In 2002, the chair of the Department of Pediatrics handed the vice dean of education a recently published book entitled Genetic Medicine—A Logic of Disease,7 which had been written by one of the department’s faculty members, Barton Childs.
"향후 10년간 의학은 어떻게 달라질 것인가?"
“How will medicine be practiced in 10 years?”
2003년, 존스홉킨스 의과대학의 학장은 교육과정개혁위원회(CRC)를 소집하고 현재 교육과정을 평가하고 필요하다면 어떻게 바뀌어야할지 제안하도록 했다. 1986년의 개혁에서는 주로 첫 2년간의 교육과정을 손보았고 임상실습시기는 거의 손대지 않았다. 부학장의 전략적 계획에 따라서 학장은 교수 중심의 위원회를 구성하여 빠르게 변화는 과학적, 사회적 환경을 고려하여 어떻게 향후 10년에 대한 최선의 의사양성방법을 보고하도록 했다.
In 2003, the dean of the JHU School of Medicine convened a Curriculum Reform Committee (CRC) to evaluate the current curriculum and to recommend whether and, if so, how the medical school curriculum should be revised. An earlier (1986) curriculum reform at JHU had predominantly affected the first two years of medical school and did not change much in the format of the clinical years.22 On the basis of the vice dean’s strategic planning exercise, the dean charged a faculty-led committee to consider the rapidly changing scientific and social milieu and report back on how best to educate future physicians for practice in 10 years.
초기의 CRC는 작은 규모였다. 일 년동안 두 달에 한 번 정도 회의를 갖고 새로운 교육과정이 필요한지, 만약 그렇다면 어때야 하는지를 논의했다. 일 년이 종료될 시점에서 CRC가 학장에게 한 제안은 현재 교육과정을 손보는 것보다 완전히 교육과정을 새롭게 디자인하는 것이었다. 그 후 4년간 CRC는 그 규모가 커져서 교수와 학생을 포함한 다양한 대표자가 포함되었다.
The initial CRC was small (approximately 15 members from diverse clinical and scientific backgrounds); for one year, it met every two months to assess whether a new curriculum was needed and, if so, what the needs of that curriculum would be. The recommendations of the earlier curriculum reform committee that had not been implemented were considered in those discussions.22 At the end of that year, the committee’s recommendation to the dean was a complete redesign of medical school curriculum, rather than a revision of the existing curriculum. Over the next four years, the CRC grew substantially, to include broad representation from faculty and students, so that it could build on the initial vision.
존스홉킨스 블룸버그 보건대학은 이 교육과정 개발에서 중요한 파트너였다. CRC의 위원장, 교육부학장, 학장은 투명하고 모든 의과대학 구성원들이 교육과정 개혁에 대해서 정기적이고 투명한 대화를 할 수 있도록 노력하였다.
The JHU Bloomberg School of Public Health was a prominent partner in curriculum development. The CRC chair, the vice dean for education, and the dean of the JHU School of Medicine worked toward transparent and regular communication with all members of the School of Medicine community about curricular reform efforts.
CRC의 원년멤버 중 한 명은 교육과정 설계에 대한 주요 문헌을 정리하고 모든 사안에 대한 초기 백서를 작성하였다. 이 백서에서는 교육과정을 위한 associate dean 자리를 새롭게 만들 것을 제안했으며, 의과대학생들을 위한 새로운 4년 교육과정을 제안했고, 중앙화된 교육과정 관리 소프트웨어/온라인 시험/학생 포트폴리오를 개발하고, 새로운 교육 장소를 만드는 것 등을 제안했다.
One of the original CRC members had coedited a major text on curriculum design and was able to write an early white paper on all of the items (beyond curricular content revision) that would be needed for comprehensive curriculum reform.24 This white paper’s recommendations included the creation of a new position of associate dean for curriculum and a new four-year college advising system for medical students, the development of centralized curriculum management software, online testing, and student portfolios, the provision of new teaching space, and a reevaluation and eventual rewriting of the promotion criteria for educators.
2005년 임상수기교육과 좀 더 구조화된 학생상담을 위한 시설이 마련되었다.
The college system for teaching clinical skills and for more structured student advising was implemented in 2005.25
새로운 의과대학 교육과정에 대한 폭넓은 논의가 이루어졌다.
The broad discussion of a new medical school curriculum was accompanied by...
- a great deal of discussion among faculty and students about the conceptual framework for the design of the curriculum,
- the optimal method of teaching the new curriculum,
- the extent of the scholarly requirement,
- and the need for a structured, core, basic clerkship sequence and required advanced clerkships (neither of the latter existed previously).
이러한 논의들이 교육과정을 지속적으로 섬세하게 다듬는데 일조했고, CRC의 위원장과 부학장은 정기적으로 town hall and faculty meeting을 하였다. 교육과정이 계획에 따라 개선되고 있는가를 알리기 위해서 웹사이트를 만들고 정기적으로 뉴스레터를 발간하였다.
These discussions at the school, department, division, and student government levels led to continual refinement of the curriculum. The CRC chair and the vice dean held regular town hall and faculty meetings (usually attended by the dean) as well as annual schoolwide retreats to publicize the curriculum and receive faculty input on the pros and cons of various new curricular elements. Dedicated administrative support for CRC allowed the creation of a Web site and periodic newsletters to inform the community of the progress toward the planned revision.
2004년부터 2007년까지 확장된 CRC는 작은 그룹들로 분할되어 각각의 교육과정 요소별로 목표를 설정하기 위한 작업에 들어갔다. 이 지점에서 우리는 4년의 대략적인 아웃라인을 잡았고, 학생과 교수들에게 구체적인 목표/경험 설계를 부탁하였다.
From 2004 through 2007, the enlarged CRC broke down into smaller groups, who were tasked with actually formulating objectives for each new component of the curriculum. At that point, we had roughly outlined the new four-year sequence of courses and were asking faculty and students to begin the design of specific objectives and experiences.
점차 CRC위원들이 CTS의 수직적 개념들에 집중하고 있는 사이에, 아무도 수평적 통합을 보고있지 않다는 것을 알게 되었고, 그래서 CRC의 하부위원회인 Horizontal Strands Subcommitee를 만들었다. 이 그룹은 모든 교과목과 임상실습에 영향을 줄 수 있도록 전체 교육과정을 짜는(weaving)역할을 맡았고, 크게 두 주제로 나뉘었다.
(1) social and behavioral strands
(2) biomedical strands
It became apparent that, whereas CRC members were focusing on the “vertical” concepts of GTS within each course or section, no one was looking horizontally at the integration of broad concepts over the four-year experience. We therefore created a new subcommittee of the CRC, called the Horizontal Strands Subcommittee. This group was charged with weaving into the entire curriculum themes that affect every course and clerkship. These themes fit into two categories: (1) social and behavioral strands (i.e., pain, patient safety, professionalism, epidemiology, nutrition, communication, cultural competence, public health, clinical reasoning, and human development) and (2) biomedical strands (i.e., genomics/ proteomics, imaging [microscopic and macroscopic], informatics, molecular embryology, pathology, and pharmacology).
새로운 교육과정이 강의가 아닌 방법을 사용하려고 한다는 것이 명확해졌을 때, 현재의 시설로는 새로운 교육과정을 수행하기에 부적합하다는 것을 깨달았다.
When it became apparent that the new curriculum would use nonlecture teaching methods to a larger extent than did the previous curriculum, we realized that the current medical school facilities would be inadequate for the new curriculum.
우리는 더 넓은 범위의 이사진과 정기적으로 모임을 하여 새로운 교육과정을 제안하고 시설을 새롭게 해줄 것을 요청했다.
We communicated regularly with the wider community of trustees and alumni about the proposed new curriculum and the updated facilities that the curriculum would require.
새로운 건물의 한 층은 그룹학습/개인학습 뿐만 아니라 community event를 위한 공간으로 만들었다.
One floor of the new building was dedicated to the colleges to provide space for community events as well as group and individual study.
새로운 교수법, 전임상과정, 학문이수요건, 사이세션 등등을 위해서는 교수개발이 필수적이었다.
With the new pedagogy, preclinical content, scholarly requirements, intersessions, required clerkship material, and advanced clerkship material, there is a major need for faculty development.
새로운 교육 건물을 짓기 위한 지원을 찾아나선 것 이외에도 학장과 이사진은 교수들의 교육과 커리어 개발을 위해서 많은 노력을 쏟았다. 교수들이 가르치는 것을 재정적으로 지원하는 것에 대한 노력 외에도, 교육업적을 더 잘 평가하고 승진과정에서 보상하는 것도 더 잘하고자 했다. 이 과정은 지금까지의 대학 승진시스템이 단일했기 때문에 복잡한 과정이었다.
In addition to seeking private support for the new education building, the dean and the board of trustees are continuing their efforts to find private support for faculty education time and career development. Along with its efforts with respect to the financial support of faculty teaching, the institution has been working to better assess and reward teaching in the promotions process. This task is complex because our institution has maintained a single-track promotion system with delineation of potential paths to promotion that allow for diverse faculty activities.
CRC의 마지막 해에 교수와 학생은 각각 교과목, 섹션, 수평요소으로 나뉘어서 교육과정의 각 요소에 대한 최종 점검을 했다.
During the last year of the CRC, academic year 2006–2007, the faculty and students broke into subgroups by course, section, and horizontal strand to finalize educational strategies for each component of the curriculum.
자문위원회에서 GTS교육과정에 대한 승인을 받은 뒤 CRC는 2007년 6월 해체되었고, CTS Integration Committee로 대체되었다. 이 그룹에는 HSS의 대표 외에도 새로운 교육과정의 교과목 담당교수도 포함되었다.
After approval of the GTS curriculum by the advisory board of the medical faculty, the CRC was disbanded in June 2007 and was replaced with the GTS Integration Committee. This group comprised all of the course directors of the new curriculum as well as the leaders of the Horizontal Strand Subcommittee.
교육과정 설계와 도입
Curriculum Design and Implementation Challenges
일부 교수들과 교실은 종종 변화에 저항하곤 했다. 교육과정 개혁의 첫 2년간 일부 기초의학 교수들은 GTS의 개념에 반대했다. 이 시기는 NIH Roadmap을 출간한 시기와 일치한다. GTS에 대한 반대는 이 Roadmap에 반대하는 것과 유사했다. 즉 translational, integrated 한 접근법은 각 학과목에 대한 학생들의 이해 수준을 낮출 것이라는 우려다.
Some faculty and departmental resistance to change did arise from time to time. During the first few years of curriculum reform, some basic science faculty objected to GTS concepts as the basis for curriculum reform. This period coincided with the publication of the NIH Roadmap.26 The objections to the GTS approach were similar to those directed against the Roadmap—namely, that the translational, integrated approach that replaced separate courses in the traditional disciplines (e.g., pharmacology, physiology, and pathology) would undermine understanding of these disciplines.
통합적-다학제간 컨텐츠를 8주간 포함시킨 것은 첫 2년간 생의학과학에 배정된 시간이 줄어든 것과 같았으나, 기초의학 교실들은 대신 3학년과 4학년의 translational intersession의 주도권을 갖게 되었다. 이러한 점에서 대부분의 기초의학 교수들은 GTS교과과정에 대해서 전체적으로는 좋게 평가했다.
The inclusion of eight weeks of integrative multidisciplinary content in the intersession weeks in the first two years meant that less time was allocated to biomedical science. However, basic science departments assumed the leadership of the translational intersessions in the third and fourth years. Thus, most basic science faculty appreciated that the GTS curriculum as a whole not only emphasized basic science but also afforded an opportunity for basic science faculty to bring the very latest research results to the students at a point when they had developed the much more sophisticated framework needed to absorb such information.
교육과정개혁 과정의 후반부에서는 임상 교실들이 어떤 임상실습이 더 많은/더 적은 시간을 배정받을 것인가에 따라서 여러 결정에 반대를 하였다.
Later in the process, it was the clinical departments’ turn to object to various decisions about which clerkships would get more or less time in the new curriculum.
대학원생들이 의과대학교육에 어떻게 참여할것인가는 또 다른 어려운 문제였다. 기존의 교육과정은 주로 교실 중심으로 이루어졌기 때문에 이러한 참여가 편리했으나 완전히 통합된, 시스템 기반의 교과과정에서는 그렇지 않았다.
The participation of graduate students in medical student education was another thorny problem. The old curriculum made such participation easy because the curriculum largely was departmentally based, but a fully integrated, systemsbased curriculum presented challenges.
새로운 의학교육건물은 대학원생과 의과대학생의 합동 수업이 계속 가능하도록 디자인되었다.
The medical education building was designed to continue to allow joint graduate and medical student classes. Graduate and medical education schedules were coordinated whenever possible so that highly specialized facilities (e.g., the anatomy lab) are available for graduate education.
충분한 자금 지원을 받는 것은 교육과정 개혁에서 항상 맞닥뜨리는 문제이다. 교육부학장과 회계과가 밀접하게 협조할 필요가 있으며 매 해의, 5년단위의, 10년단위의 비용을 지원받아야 한다.
The availability of adequate funds to implement an entirely new curriculum is an ever-present challenge. Very close cooperation between the office of the vice dean for education and the finance office allowed annual and 5- and 10-year projections of the costs of the new curriculum, which were then incorporated into the school’s overall finance plan. The newly created position of assistant director of finance focuses solely on education and reports jointly to the vice dean for education and the chief financial officer.
아마도 가장 중요한 접근법은 학장이 의학교육의 수월성을 강조하는 것인데, 비용으로 인한 불가피한 tradeoff는 과정이 끝날 단계에서 이루어져야지 시작단계나 개혁중간에 생겨서는 안된다.
Perhaps the most important approach was the dean’s directive to concentrate on excellence of medical education. The inevitable tradeoffs based on cost would be made at the end of the process, not at the beginning or even during the curriculum reform process.
"Genes to society"--the logic and process of the new curriculum for the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.
In August 2009, the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine implemented a new curriculum, "Genes to Society" (GTS), aimed at reframing the context of health and illness more broadly, to encourage students to explore the biologic properties of a patient's health within a larger, integrated system including social, cultural, psychological, and environmental variables. This approach presents the patient's phenotype as the sum of internal (genes, molecules, cells, and organs) and external (environment, family, and society) factors within a defined system. Unique genotypic and societal factors bring individuality and variability to the student's attention. GTS rejects the phenotypic dichotomy of health and illness, preferring to view patients along a phenotypic continuum from "asymptomatic and latent" to "critically ill." GTS grew out of a perceived need to reformulate the student experience to meet the oncoming revolution in medicine that recognizes individuality from the genome to the environment. This article describes the five-year planning process that included the definition of objectives, development of the new curriculum, commission of a new education building, addition of enhancements in student life and faculty development, and creation of a vertical and horizontal structure, all of which culminated in the GTS curriculum. Critical ingredients in meeting the challenges of implementing GTS were leadership support, dialogue with faculty, broad engagement of the institutional community, avoidance of tunnel vision, and the use of pilot courses to test concepts and methods. GTS can be viewed as the foundation for the scientific and clinical career development of future physicians.
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