"기본적으로 역량중심 교육과정과 지금까지 해오던 방식의 차이점은,
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“Basically, the difference between competency-based education and the way we have always done it is that competency means that what the public needs, good health outcomes, is what a physician should actually be able to do, and each specialty has to decide how to achieve this,And we need faculty members who can help students learn how to ask questions or read a research article. It’s not about giving them a lecture but teaching them how to think.”
“For the student, this is not just about change, but it focuses greater attention on patient-centered care,” Aschenbrener said. “With the rapid changes seen today in the health care delivery system, we need physicians with cognitive flexibility. As for admitting students into medical school,we need to continue paying attention to academic ability, but we also need to consider the other attributes that make a good physician.”
MEDICAL RESIDENCY PROGRAMS are about to undergo substantial changes in the ways the physicians of tomorrow are trained.
Beginning in July, the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) will implement the Next Accreditation System to oversee training residents in 7 specialties
The aims of the new system are to “enhance the ability of the peer-review system to prepare physicians for practice in the 21st century, to accelerate the ACGME’s movement toward accreditation on the basis of educational outcomes, and to reduce the burden associated with the current structure and process-based approach” (Nasca TJ et al. N Eng J Med. doi:10 .1056/NEJMsr1200117 [published online March 15, 2012]).
The ACGME was founded in 1981 when the graduate medical education environment faced 2 major stresses:
Variability in the quality of resident education
and the emerging formalization of subspecialty education.
Acknowledging the new stresses, the ACGME pushed for the Next Accreditation System. Under this approach, each medical residency program accredited by the ACGME will have to demonstrate that its residents have the core competencies and clinical skills to provide quality patient care and the ability to respond to ongoing developments in health care delivery.
To measure such competencies, each specialty is developing educational milestones
Changes in resident training mean changes in the teaching of medical students as well
“Basically, the difference between competency-based education and the way we have always done it is that competency means that what the public needs, good health outcomes, is what a physician should actually be able to do, and each specialty has to decide how to achieve this,And we need faculty members who can help students learn how to ask questions or read a research article. It’s not about giving them a lecture but teaching them how to think.”
“For the student, this is not just about change, but it focuses greater attention on patient-centered care,” Aschenbrener said. “With the rapid changes seen today in the health care delivery system, we need physicians with cognitive flexibility. As for admitting students into medical school,we need to continue paying attention to academic ability, but we also need to consider the other attributes that make a good physician.”
Residencies roll out new training system.
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