● 초심자부터 교육전문가까지: 교육자를 위한 TSP (Acad Med, 2006)
초심자부터 교육전문가까지: 교육자를 위한 TSP (Acad Med, 2006)
From Novice to Informed Educator: The Teaching Scholars Program for Educators in the Health Sciences
Yvonne Steinert, PhD, and Peter J. McLeod, MD
TSP는 흥미롭고 가치로운 여정의 시작일 뿐이다.
The Teaching Scholars Program is but a start on an interesting and worthwhile voyage—from novice to informed educator.
TSP는 Faculty of Medicine at McGill University, in Montreal, Quebec의 프로그램. 교육프로그램의 개발 및 도입과 관련된 교수들의 전문성을 향상시키고, 교육 리더십을 맡을 수 있도록
The Teaching Scholars Program for Educators in the Health Sciences was designed to promote the professional development of health science educators in the Faculty of Medicine at McGill University, in Montreal, Quebec, by increasing faculty members’ expertise in developing and implementing educational programs and taking on leadership roles in education.
1년 프로그램. 주요 주제는 아래 다섯 가지.
The Teaching Scholars Program(TSP), which has been previously described,1 is a year-long program that focuses on five major themes:
curriculum design and innovation,
effective teaching methods and evaluation strategies,
educational program evaluation,
research in medical/ health sciences education, and
educational leadership.
University of North Carolina2의 TSP에 inspired되어 시작하였으며, Faculty of Medicine(의학, 간호학, 물리-직업치료, 커뮤니케이션과학 등)의 교수들이 교육 관련 지식과 스킬을 강화할 수 있도록 만든 프로그램. 교육적 원칙과 교육방법에 대해서 배우고, 의학교육의 scholarship울 추구하고, 교육리더로서의 역할에 준비되게 도와줌.
This program was inspired by the Teaching Scholars Program at the University of North Carolina2 and was designed to enable faculty members in the Faculty of Medicine (which includes the schools of medicine, nursing, physical and occupational therapy, and communication sciences and disorders) to enhance their educational knowledge and skills while maintaining their clinical, teaching, and research responsibilities. More specifically, the TSP aims to respond to faculty members’ needs by helping them to learn more about educational principles and methods, pursue scholarship in medical education (through curriculum development, program evaluation, and educational research), and prepare for educational leadership roles.
TSP 개요
The Teaching Scholars Program
매년 3~6명의 펠로우. 1997년부터 총 34명 마침. 대부분은 주로 clinician이다.
The TSP accepts three to six faculty members annually. Since 1997, 34 faculty members from the following disciplines have graduated from this program:
The majority of teaching scholars have been clinicians, involved in teaching undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate students.
Two have been basic scientists.
At the time of entry, eight of the scholars held an administrative position in medical education (eg, undergraduate or postgraduate program director).
펠로우 모집
대상자: 대학 및 협력 교육병원의 모든 보건전문직을 대상으로 함.
Recruitment for the TSP targets individuals from all health professions in the university and affiliated teaching hospital. -
대상자: 소속 및 전공
Educators from all of the medical specialties, basic science departments, and schools of nursing, physical and occupational therapy, and communication sciences and disorders can apply. -
프로그램 홍보
We circulate program descriptions to departmental chairs and divisional directors, undergraduate and postgraduate program directors, and faculty members involved in medical education. -
제출서류: 자기소개서
We ask potential applicants to provide a letter outlining their anticipated goals for the program, a description of their proposed educational project, and an explanation of how their involvement in the program will benefit their division or department. -
제출서류: 추천서 (주임교수의 letter of support 포함)
We also require two letters of reference, including a letter of support from the applicant’s departmental chair. -
선발위원회 구성
The TSP selection committee includes the authors, members of the Faculty Development Office, and a representative from a basic science department, nominated by the dean. -
모든 지원자를 면접함. 면접 내용
We interview all applicants and choose the teaching scholars based on -
their stated interest in medical education,
their previous educational experience,
the potential value of their educational project to both their department and the Faculty of Medicine, and
the feasibility of the applicant acquiring “protected time” for the program.
프로그램을 이수하기까지 필요한 서포트에 대한 과장 혹은 분과장의 written support 요구함.
We also require written support from the departmental chair or divisional chief in order to ensure successful completion of the program.
펠로우들이 해야 하는 것: 최소 주당 하루, 1년간. 대부분은 1년 이상 소요됨. "보장된 시간"을 확보하는 것이 늘 문제인데, 그래서 18개월이 넘어가면 graduation을 hold함.
The teaching scholars are expected to devote a minimum of one day a week, for the duration of one year, to complete the program. Although all of the scholars have completed the program requirements, most of them require more than a year to achieve the program objectives; “protecting” time for their course work and independent study is an ongoing challenge. As a result, we hold the TSP “graduation,” which consists of individual presentations and a celebration of excellence, 18 months after the start of the program.
프로그램 참여를 위해서 돈을 내지 않으며, 임상 수입에 대한 손실을 보전받지도 않음. course work와 교육관련 미팅 참석은 지원받음. Annual cost는 약 25000달러.
The teaching scholars do not pay to participate in the program, nor do they receive a stipend for lost clinical income. However, their course work and travel to an educational meeting (or educational site of interest) are paid for by a private donation made to the Faculty of Medicine. The annual cost of this program, which includes course work, travel, and program administration by the Faculty Development Office, is approximately $25,000.
TSP 교육과정과 프로그램 특성
The TSP Curriculum and Program Specifics
모든 펠로우들은 다음의 요소들을 1년간 이수함
all scholars participate in the following four components over the course of a year:
대학원 과목 두 개 ▪ two university courses, primarily in the Faculty of Education;
월간 세미나 ▪ a monthly seminar, specifically designed for the teaching scholars;
교육 프로젝트 ▪ an educational project, which typically consists of curriculum design and evaluation or a research study; and
전체교수대상 FD활동 ▪ faculty-wide faculty development activities, which include workshops, seminars, and medical education rounds.
대학원 과목 두 개
University courses
Each scholar participates in two graduate courses in the Faculty of Education or another department at McGill University. Students in these three-credit courses typically meet once a week for three hours over the course of a semester. To date, the majority of scholars have taken courses in the Faculty of Education. These courses have included:
Teaching and Learning in Higher Education;
Instructional Design;
Cognition and Instruction;
Theories of Teaching and Learning;
Educational Evaluation;
Educational Research Methods;
Qualitative Research; and
Learning and Technology.
이론적 과목도 있고, 실용적 과목도 있음
A number of these courses address the theoretical underpinnings of teaching and learning and introduce the scholars to the foundations of pedagogy. Other courses are more practical in nature and help the scholars to develop a new course or educational program. For example, the course entitled Teaching and Learning in Higher Education systematically guides the scholars through the steps of course design, from the articulation of goals and objectives to the choice of content and teaching methods and the development of appropriate evaluation tools.1
자신만의 니즈와 교육 프로젝트에 관련된 것을 듣기를 권장함
At the same time, we encourage the scholars to choose courses that address their own educational needs and pertain to their educational project. Thus, they have also taken courses in the departments of
English (eg, The Meaning of Literacy),
philosophy (eg, Epistemology; Phenomenology),
music (eg, The History of Jazz),
epidemiology (eg, Randomized Clinical Trials), and
management (eg, Cross Cultural Management; The Art of Leadership).
The scholars appreciate the diversity of courses available to themas well as the flexibility in course selection.
(대학원 과목 이수에 대한) 피드백은 지속적으로 긍정적이다. 새로운 용어 익히고, 배운 내용을 적용시킴
Feedback on the university courses has been consistently positive. When scholars first return from their educational courses, they often report that they are overwhelmed by the “jargon” of pedagogy. However, in no time they are using a different “language” themselves and quickly impress their departmental colleagues with their new vocabulary (eg, concept maps; formative and summative evaluation). They also report that the pedagogical content applies directly to their own courses and projects and provides them with the foundation to pursue new educational initiatives from an informed perspective.
월간 세미나
Monthly seminar
We meet on a monthly basis with the teaching scholars as a group, to review their educational projects, to discuss issues of common interest (eg, methods of student evaluation; qualitative research methods), and to examine topics that arise from the university courses (eg, theories of teaching and learning). These two-hour meetings also facilitate the development of a “community of practice” among the scholars3 and help to promote reflection on educational issues and problems.
Once a year, we hold a teaching scholars “alumni meeting” and current scholars have an opportunity to hear what previous scholars have achieved. They also learn how the graduates’ educational projects and responsibilities have evolved over time.
In addition, we have incorporated educational journal clubs (where scholars review an educational article of interest to the group) and discussions with visiting speakers into the monthly seminars. Most meetings also provide opportunities for individual mentorship and peer support.
Feedback from the scholars has indicated that they appreciate the opportunity to sit behind closed doors with one another and reflect on teaching and learning, their educational projects, and their ongoing teaching encounters.
이러한 미팅의 장점
The scholars seem to particularly welcome
the mutually respectful nature of the meetings,
the time away from other professional responsibilities, and
the support they receive from their peers.
교육 프로젝트
Educational projects
처음에는 전체 펠로우에게 프로젝트를 요구하였으나, 현실적으로 가능하지 않아서, (1)교육 연구 프로젝트 (2)교육과정 개발과 평가 중 하나를 선택하는 것으로 바꿈.
Independent study is a key component of the TSP. Originally, we expected all scholars to design and conduct a research study in medical education. However, we quickly realized that many of the scholars wanted to design a new course or curriculum for their students, residents, or peers, and that a completed research project was not feasible within the constraints of a one-year program. Thus, we modified the parameters of independent study to include an educational research project or the development and evaluation of a curricular initiative To date, 22 (62%) of the scholars have focused on curriculum design and evaluation during the TSP.
프로젝트의 목적
The overriding goals of the educational projects are
to encourage the scholars to focus on a departmental need,
to buttress the principles discussed in the university courses, and
to promote scholarly activity in education.
개념과 경험의 통합 기회
they all value the opportunity to focus on a subject that is relevant to them and their department, that enables the integration of course concepts and educational experiences, and that promotes “learning by doing.” For many, their educational project is also a critical factor in their understanding of the value of research in medical education.
교수개발 프로그램
Faculty development activities
The Faculty Development Office in the Faculty of Medicine at McGill University sponsors a variety of activities designed to assist faculty members in their multiple roles (eg, educators, researchers, administrators) and to promote excellence in teaching and learning. Faculty-wide workshops and seminars form an important component of the TSP year, and teaching scholars are encouraged to participate as facilitators or participants.
3~4개 워크숍에 참여. 처음에는 소그룹의 구성원으로 참여. 나중에는 코-퍼실리테이터로 참여
All of the scholars participate in these activities, with each scholar averaging attendance at three or four workshops during the TSP year.
At the beginning of the program, the scholars generally participate as small-group members;
by the end of the year, the majority function as co-facilitators and participate in the design and delivery of the educational session.
펠로우의 피드백. 좋았던 점은...
Feedback on this activity has demonstrated the value of
무대 뒤에서 일어나는 일을 보게 됨 witnessing what goes on behind the scenes,
실제로 활동in action하는 전문가를 보게 됨 observing experts in action,
새로운 스킬 습득 acquiring new skills, and
FD워크숍 설계 프로세스에 대한 이해 better understanding the process of designing a faculty development workshop.
의학교육라운드. 의학교육 연구와 혁신에 관심있는 교수들의 모임
The scholars also participate in medical education rounds, which are offered four to six times a year. These two-hour rounds, which bring together faculty members interested in innovations and research in medical education, have been particularly beneficial in introducing the scholars to a community of medical educators.
성과 평가
Outcome Evaluation
To assess the benefits and outcomes of the TSP, all scholars complete an end-of- year questionnaire. We also survey them one year after program completion and the program advisors maintain field notes. In addition to this ongoing assessment, we conducted a follow-up survey and curriculum vitae (CV) analysis of 26 scholars in 2003, with a focus on new educational initiatives, roles and responsibilities, and scholarly activities in medical education.
Evaluation data from the first three cohorts of scholars, which have been published previously,1 were organized in response to two guiding questions:
(1) what were the scholars’ and advisors’ perceptions of the program’s strengths and limitations (ie, process evaluation); and
(2) were the scholars able to accomplish what they had set out to do (ie, outcome evaluation)?
새로운 교육적, 학자적 실천
New educational and scholarly practices
The CV analysis of 26 scholars who participated in the program between 1997 and 2003 showed that 15 of the teaching scholars (60%) have taken on new roles and responsibilities in medical education since completing the TSP. Two former scholars (8%) became associate deans in the Faculty of Medicine, seven (27%) became program directors at the undergraduate or postgraduate level, six (23%) were named directors of major curricular initiatives, and one (4%) took on a major leadership role in a national organization.
Nine of the scholars (35%) became members of our renewed Centre for Medical Education, with two involved as Core Faculty (devoting one day a week to medical education activities at the Centre) and seven as Centre Members (devoting at least one day a month to Centre activities).
In addition to these new roles and responsibilities, 24 of the scholars (92%) who participated in the program between 1997 and 2003 became involved in new educational committees at multiple levels,
새로운 교육적 역할과 책임
New educational roles and responsibilities
Follow-up data indicated that the majority of teaching scholars continued their involvement in teaching
All of the scholars who had developed a course or program during the TSP continued to deliver their curricular initiative, with ongoing refinements and modifications. In addition, 20 scholars (80%) developed new courses, and 13 (50%) designed faculty development activities for their own departments. The majority also continued to participate in faculty-wide faculty development activities, as participants or facilitators. Sixteen scholars (62%) reported that they had become an important resource for their colleagues and were viewed as educational leaders in their own departments,
Twenty-three scholars (90%) have presented aspects of their TSP educational project at a national or international educational meeting. In addition, many became regular attendees of such meetings (eg, the annual meeting of the Canadian Association for Medical Education) and continued to present their scholarly work in these settings.
Eight of the scholars (31%) applied successfully for educationally related grants during the TSP. Six (23%) received additional grants after the completion of the program, and 13 (50%) continued their involvement in educational research. Nine individuals (35%) have published their teaching scholars’ projects in peer-reviewed journals, for a total of 18 publications. Five of the scholars (19%) have pursued advanced studies following their year as a teaching scholar. One completed a masters in education, one received a masters in business administration, and another concluded a masters in public administration. One scholar registered for our newly formed masters in educational and counselling psychology, with a focus on health professions education, and one is a PhDstudent in philosophy. In many ways, the TSP laid the foundation for further learning and professional growth for these scholars.
이득 혹은 성과라고 느낀 것들
Perceived benefits and outcomes
In reviewing the scholars’ year-end and follow-up questionnaires, we noted three major areas of perceived impact:
지식과 스킬 향상 increased knowledge and skills,
실천공동체에 들어옴 introduction to a “community of practice,” and
새로운 커리어 기회 new career paths and opportunities.
Many also commented on the fact that the TSP “allowed” them to focus on developing these skills and characterized the TSP as a “transformational opportunity.”
Most of the scholars remarked upon the benefit of meeting “like-minded colleagues” and being introduced to a network of medical educators.
A growing awareness of a community of educators, and an increasing sense of belonging to this community, was noted by most of our teaching scholars.
Eighteen of the scholars (70%) observed that the TSP helped them to embark upon a new career path and develop new domains of academic activity.
기대하지 않았던 성과
Unanticipated consequences
The TSP has also had several unanticipated consequences at an organizational level. For example, interest in the TSP among residents and fellows has led to the development of a Postgraduate Fellowship in Health Sciences Education.
The TSP scholars’ participation in university courses, given by members of the Faculty of Education, has also opened channels of communication that have led to the development of a masters in educational and counselling psychology, with a focus on health professions education.
프로그램의 주된 제약사항은 '시간'이었고, 프로그램의 시간(기간)과 펠로우들의 시간 모두를 포함함. "이제 막 본격적으로 해보려고 할 때쯤 프로램이 끝났다"
The program’s major limitation is time, both in terms of the scholars’ time and the length of the program. As one scholar commented, “The program was over just as we were getting into our stride.”
Sir William Osler 는 "가르치는 시점에 학생의 입장에 있지 않은 자는 제대로 가르칠 수 없다"라고 하였다.
Sir William Osler once observed, “It goes without saying that no man can teach successfully who is not at the same time a student.” In many ways, this is the strength of our program.
From novice to informed educator: the teaching scholars program for educators in the health sciences.
Author information
- 1Centre for Medical Education, Faculty of Medicine, McGill University, Montreal, Canada. yvonne.steinert@mcgill.edu
- 17065858
- [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]