Daphne Koller: 우리가 온라인 교육으로부터 배울 수 있는 것

Meded. 2013. 3. 12. 23:00

Coursera. 이러한 방식도 있다.

Daphne Koller is enticing top universities to put their most intriguing courses online for free -- not just as a service, but as a way to research how people learn. With Coursera (cofounded by Andrew Ng), each keystroke, quiz, peer-to-peer discussion and self-graded assignment builds an unprecedented pool of data on how knowledge is processed.

With Coursera, Daphne Koller and co-founder Andrew Ng are bringing courses from top colleges online, free, for anyone who wants to take them.

(아래 글귀는 talk 중에서 캡쳐. )