SDL의 고착점(IJSDL, 2009)
SDL의 고착점(IJSDL, 2009)
Robert J. Bulik
Self-Directed Learning Practice
SDL을 동기부여 혹은 상황적 요인이 비공식적 학습 프로젝트에 영향을 줄 수도 있다.
A number of authors have identified a variety of ways of thinking about SDL in terms of motivation (Harding, Vanasupa, Savage, & Stolk, 2007) and situational factors that might impact the accomplishment of informal learning projects (Guglielmino, Asper, Findley, Lunceford, McVey, Payne, Penney, & Phares, 2005; Lave, 1993;).
- 동기부여가 과제를 최종적으로 수행할 때 까지 지속하고자 하는 의지에 영향을 준다.
Garrison (1997) argued that motivation drives the decision to participate and volition refers to the ability to sustain the will to see a task through to completion. - 모든 물리적, 심리적, 감정적, 사회적, 문화적 환경이 영향을 준다.
Hiemstra (1991) describes the setting as: “…all the physical surroundings, psychological or emotional conditions, and social or cultural influences affecting the growth and development of an adult engaged in an educational enterprise” (p. 8).
네 가지 요인으로 분석하기도 (초점, 영민함, 게스탈트, 회복탄력성)
Mavrogenes, Hanson, and Winkley (1976) identified four broad areas that included physical, mental, emotional, and environmental factors. These authors also characterized a number of conceptual blocks that can keep us from solving our learning problems:
- (a) Focus – when the initial learning strategy is ineffective, being fixated on it interferes with our problem-solving;
- (b) Acuity – although our minds can process a lot of information, learning sometimes requires relaxing our assumptions in order to notice subtle differences and similarities that might help us find solutions;
- (c) Gestalt – artificially limiting the information we use in defining the problem and searching for solutions by considering the big picture and not minute details; and
- (d) Resilience – sometimes we give up too easily when we encounter problems for which we don't immediately see solutions and fail to consider other learning approaches.
자기효능감은 SDL과 유의한 관련이 있다.
The research by Hoban and Sersland (2000) confirms that self-efficacy, the confidence one has in the ability to complete a specific task, has a significant relationship to SDL.
장애요인: 성향적/조직적/상황적, 연령/교육배경/사회경제적 수준, 태도/등록금/동기/시간/교통 등
Various authors have also identified barriers to learning such as dispositional, institutional, or situational hurdles (Cross, 1979; Darkenwald & Merriam, 1982), difficulties associated with age, educational background, and socio-economic group affiliations, or personal obstacles to learning such as attitude, cost of tuition, motivation, time, and transportation (Norman & Hyland, 2003).
동기부여가 잘 되있고, 끈기도 있고, 자기주도적인 학습자들이 학습전략을 변경하는데 어려움을 겪는 경우가 많이 있다. 의과대학생의 사례를 보면, SDLRS에서 매우 높은 점수를 받는다. 그러나 1학년 어느 지점에서 27~29%의 학생들이 학습 문제를 경험하고, 학생상담실로 보내진다. 이 학생들은 전통적인 강의 중심의 교육에서 활용해왔던 전략을 PBL환경에서 적절히 변화시키는데 어려움을 겪은 것. 이들은 과거에 성공을 가져다준 그들의 접근법을 바꾸는데 어려움을 겪었다.
However, there is very little in the literature about learners who begin a formal or informal learning task and find that they must change or modify their learning strategies. In both informal workplace training and formal degree programs, there are fully motivated, persistent, self-directed learners who encounter difficulties in adjusting their personal learning strategies. For example, I have observed from 15 years in medical education that students admitted to medical school are an intelligent and motivated group of learners. Scores on the SDLRS reported in the literature on this population indicate that, as a group, they are highly self-directed in their learning (Bulik & Romero, 2001; Pilling-Cormick & Bulik, 1999, 2000). However, at some point during the first year of medical school, 27-29% of students in a class of 235 at one southern medical school experienced significant learning problems and were referred (or self-referred themselves) to the Office of Student Affairs (S. Samie, personal communication, March, 2009). These students encountered difficulties utilizing learning strategies that served them well through traditional, lecture-based courses in some undergraduate degree programs, but struggled when immersed in a problem-based learning environment. They were reluctant to change personal approaches to learning that had allowed them to be successful in the past.
AAMC 자료를 보면, 80.6~82.2%의 학생이 4년에 졸업하는데, 5년째 졸업하는 학생은 91.3%정도이다. 즉 10~20%의 의과대학생이 5년 혹은 그 이상을 하는 것이다. 사회적 비용이다.
More broadly, an Association of American Medical Colleges report indicated that between 80.6 percent and 82.2 percent of those in the study groups (1987: N = 15,469; 1992: N = 16,013; 1995: N = 15,833) graduated in four years. By the fifth year, the overall graduation rate for the three cohorts climbed to 91.3 percent (Garrison, Mikesell, & Matthew, 2007). Said slightly differently, somewhere in the range of 10-20% of the brightest students in the country admitted to medical school experienced a sticking point that extended their medical school education to a fifth year and beyond. This was at considerable expense to the affected students and to society.
Straka는 SDL을 잘 하게 하는 네 가지 차원을 주장했다. "모든 네 가지 차원은 서로에게 전제조건이면서 필요조건이다. 학습은 행동/정보/동기/감정의 상호작용이며 능동적 개인의 내적 조건에 영구적 변화를 가져온다."
Recently, Straka (2009) added to the discussion by arguing for inclusion of four dimensions that might better characterize SDL and a focus on learning task processes: behavior, information, motivation, and emotion. He suggested the following: “All four dimensions presuppose and necessitate each other.” Learning, according to Straka, “has taken place when and only when the individual relative consequences of the interaction between behavior, information, motivation, and emotion lead to a permanent change in the internal conditions of the acting individual” (p. 110).
이러한 Straka의 주장은 Brookfield 의 SDL로 돌아간다. Brookfield 는 SDL은 - 개인별로 상당한 차이가 있는 - 비판적 성찰을 통해서 내면의 인식변화를 동반하는 것이라고 했다. 비판적 사고의 다섯 단계와 네 요소를 강조했다.
This reorientation by Straka appears to link back to Brookfield (1985, 1986) who challenged the notion of SDL in difficult emotional situations. Brookfield (1987) argued that SDL involves an internal change in consciousness resulting from critical reflection which varies dramatically among individuals. He further emphasized the importance of critical thinking in making judgments, choices, and decisions. Brookfield went on to list five phases and four components of critical thinking.
The five phases were these:
- (a) trigger event,
- (b) appraisal,
- (c) exploration,
- (d) alternative perspectives, and
- (e) integration.
The four components consisted of the following:
- (a) identifying and challenging assumptions,
- (b) understanding the importance of context,
- (c) imaging and exploring alternatives, and
- (d) reflective skepticism.
Knowles가 학습에 관한 '무엇'에 관심을 두었다면, Straka는 '어떻게'에 더 초점을 두었다.
While Knowles focuses on the what of learning – what learning needs, what goals, what resources, what learning strategies, and what outcomes, Straka argues for a more dimensional definition that includes the process or the how of learning. This more dimensional definition of SDL might well take into account the challenges that highly self- directed learners encounter within context-specific learning settings.
How or if we move forward in a learning activity in which we have become stuck is dependent upon a number of variables. Two related questions were posed at the beginning of this article: (a) What occurs at that sticking point when all previous reliable strategies for learning are no longer useful? (b) Why are we unable to either complete the learning task or switch to a more productive strategy? As the learning task unfolded in this case study, the components of Knowles’s definition of SDL were met and the what of learning were identified: what learning needs, what goals, what resources, what learning strategies, and what outcomes. However, these component parts appeared to be insufficient to detail the processes once a self-directed learning task has been initiated.
SDL에 대한 더 다양한 차원의 정의가 필요할 것이다.
A more dimensional definition of SDL may be needed. Addressing the four conceptual blocks identified by Mavrogenes, et al. (1976) listed earlier that included physical, mental, emotional, and environmental factors, would be useful. Similarly, Straka’s (2009) four components of self-directed learning that included behavior, information, motivation, and emotion, might be helpful. Using or combining aspects of Straka, Mavrogenes, Hanson and Winkley, and even Knowles’ conceptualizations of learning could enhance our understanding of the processes of SDL as a complex activity.
SDL을 정의하는데 두 가지 구조가 가능하다.
Based on reflections in developing this case study, I believe that there may well be two distinct constructs that should be addressed in a more dimensional definition of SDL – those attributes
- that allow a learner to approach a learning task in an autonomous manner (the what of the Knowles definition), which may well be different from characteristic
- that are within-task (the how of the Straka conceptualizations).
The personal example I used in this case study showed the impact of stress on my learning strategies. While stress is often associated with a need to learn and a motivator for change, other studies suggest that stress is one of the major causes of information loss during training and learning that will negatively impact performance and learning results (Joe, Pu, Wiegert, Oitz, & Krugers, 2006).
within-task characteristic에 대해서 다음과 같이 설명함. 자기주도와 관련된 네 가지 전략적 행동
Ponton and Carr (1996) began to address the within-task characteristics of stress on a learning task with their discussion of the term resourceful. They identified four resourceful behaviors that were highly interrelated with personal initiative:
- 미래의 보상을 예상한다. (a) anticipating future rewards;
- 다른 활동보다 학습을 우선시한다. (b) prioritizing learning over other activities;
- 즉각적 만족을 연기한다. (c) delaying immediate gratification; and
- 학습활동과 관련하여 문제를 해결한다. (d) solving the problems associated with a learning activity.
This fourth behavior, problem solving, was further developed to include the necessity of evaluating alternatives and anticipating consequences (Ponton, Carr, & Confessore, 2000).
Robert J. Bulik
The construct of self-directed learning has continued to evolve as it receives increasing attention from academic and professional programs, as well as from business and training sectors. The readiness of adults to be self-directed in their learning, along with the stages for development of these strategies, has been the subject of much interest. Attention has also been focused on motivation, barriers, and interrupters to adult learning, but less consideration has been given to the processes that take place during informal learning projects. This article presents a case study on learning. Specifically, the focus is on the point in time when a learner becomes stuck. The question is this: What occurs at that sticking point when all previous reliable strategies for learning are no longer useful? The outcome of this case study argues for consideration of a more dimensional conception of selfdirected learning.