다섯 가지의 기본 원칙 (Ground rules)

Five basic principles apply to preparing teaching materials, irrespective of the type of material you choose: links, intelligibility, general style, highlighting, and targeting (LIGHT). You may sometimes decide to ignore one or more of these principles, but if you do, think carefully about what you are trying to achieve.

- Links : 가르치는 내용과 연관되어 있어야 한다.

Your teaching materials should have obvious and direct links to your talk, discussion, or presentation. Handouts are the main offenders in this category, and it is not unusual for handouts to have little in common with the talk. It is quite acceptable for the teaching materials to give some additional information, but this should not be excessive.

- Intelligibility : 쉽게 이해가 되어야 한다. 간단한 말로 쓰고, 긴 문장은 피하라.

The teaching material should be easy to understand and learn from. How this is achieved will depend on the medium used and the venue of the talk or presentation. Use simple language and avoid overlong sentences or statements. Diagrams can help to clarify a complex message. If you are using slides or overhead transparencies, the size of the print needs to be large enough to be read from the back of the auditorium. The font selected should be sans serif (for example, Arial).

- General style : 강의자료 내에서 일관된 스타일을 유지해야 한다.

You should aim to use a consistent style throughout your teaching materials, particularly if you are giving a series of talks. Although it is tempting to use a variety of novel styles, consistency will allow learners to concentrate on the meaning and relevance of what you are trying to communicate. 

- Highlighting : 강조 표시는 중요한 역할을 할 수 있다.

Highlighted information helps to emphasise important issues or pivotal points in a developing argument. Methods of highlighting include changing the colour of text or underlining words or phrases. This also applies to videotapes and audiotapes, where changing your tone of voice can be used to emphasise key points.

- Targeting : 가르치는 학생과 내용에 잘 맞아야 한다.

It is important that both the type of educational event (for example, presentation, seminar, discussion) and the teaching materials that supplement it are targeted at what your students need to learn. Targeting therefore requires an awareness of what knowledge and skills your students already have. This can be difficult to judge, but it is worth spending time finding out about your expected audience. It becomes easier if you are doing a series of talks with the same group as you can get feedback from the learners to help you plan more effectively

슬라이드 만드는 원칙(Ground rules for slide preparation (35 mm or PowerPoint))

- 잘 읽히는 글자체 사용하기. Use a clear font that is easily readable

- 글자크기는 20 이상 쓰기  Use a type size of 20 points or greater

- 어두운 배경에 밝은 글씨 쓰기 Use a light text on a dark background for slides (in contrast with OHP transparencies)

- 짧은 문장과 작은 표 사용하기 Use short sentences and small tables

- 슬라이드당 단어 숫자는 40개 이하로  Restrict the overall number of words on each slide to about 40 or fewer

- 패턴이 있는 배경은 지양하기. Avoid patterned backgrounds—they are extremely distracting

- 사용하는 색은 세 개 이하로 Limit the number of colours on your slides to a maximum of three

- 강조하고 싶은 것은 하이라이트 하기 Use highlighting to emphasise items in lists

- 애니메이션이나 소리 효과는 가끔만 사용하기 Use animation and sound effects sparingly

 2003 Apr 26;326(7395):921-3.

Creating teaching materials.


Peninsula Medical Sschool at the Universities of Exeter and Plymouth.

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