처음의 네 단계는 경화된 현재 상태를 녹이는 역할을 하며, 5단계부터 7단계까지는 새로운 실천방식을 도입하는 과정이다. 8단계는 조직문화의 변화를 정착시키는 과정이다. 리더들은 종종 5,6,7단계만 시도하고는 하나 1단계부터 4단계까지의 '녹이는'과정을 무시한다면 굳건한 기반을 마련하지 못할 것이다. 그리고 8단계가 없이는 변화가 유지되지 못할 것이다.

The first four steps help unfreeze a hardened status quo. Steps five to seven introduce new practices. Step eight grounds the changes in the organizational culture. Leaders often attempt only steps five, six, and seven. However, neglecting any of the unfreezing activities (steps one through four), precludes the establishment of a solid base. Without step eight, the changes won't stick.


1. 변화가 시급하다는 분위기 조성하기 변화가 시급하다는 분위기 조성에 실패

1. Establishing a Sense of Urgency
Examining the circumstances and identifying and discussing crises, potential problems, or major opportunities.


2. 리더십 그룹 형성하기 강력한 지도부 부재

2. Creating the Leadership Group
Putting together a group with enough power to lead the change and getting the group to work together as a team.


3. 비전과 전략 개발하기 비전의 부재

3. Developing a Vision and Strategy
Creating a vision to help direct the change effort and developing strategies for achieving that vision.


4. 의사소통을 통해 바뀐 비전을 공유하기 비전의 소통과 공유의 부족

4. Communicating the Change Vision
Using every means possible to communicate the new vision and strategies, and having the leadership group model behavior expected of others in the organization.


5. 광범위한 행동을 지원(empowering)하고 이에 맞게 조직을 조정(align)하기 새 비전을 위한 장애물 제거 안함

5. Empowering Broad-based Action or Aligning the Organization
Getting rid of obstacles, changing structures or systems that undermine vision, and encouraging risk taking nontraditional ideas, activities, and actions.


6. 단기 성과를 이룩하기 체계적으로 계획하지 않고, 단기 성과를 이룩하지 않음

6. Generating Short-term Wins
Planning for visible improvements in performance, creating those wins, and visibly recognizing and rewarding people who make the wins possible.


7. 이점/이득을 축적하고 더 많은 변화를 만들어나가기 너무 일찍 성공을 선언함

7. Consolidating Gains and Producing More Change
Using newly developed and increased credibility to change all systems structures and policies that don't fit the vision; developing the capacity of people who can implement the vision; and "reimaginating" the process with new projects, themes, and change agents.


8. 새로운 접근법을 조직문화로 만들기 변화된 것을 조직의 문화로 들여오지 않음

8. Institutionalizing New Approaches in the Culture
Creating better performance through customer-oriented focus, better leadership, and more effective management; articulating the connections between new behaviors and organizational successes; and creating means to ensure leadership development and succession.





학습 조직

The Learning Organization


학습 조직이란 사람들이 '알기'보다 '배우기'를 추구하는 곳이다. 그들은 그들이 가진 세계관이 완벽하지 못함을 인정하기에, 전체 시스템을 더 잘 이해하기 위해서 서로로부터 배운다. 이것은 서로의 관점을 존중하며 알아가는(respectful inquiry)과정을 통해 이루어진다.

A learning organization is a place in which people seek to learn rather than know. They admit that their pictures of the world are incomplete and therefore they need to learn from each other in order to fully understand the whole system. They do this through a process of respectful inquiry into each other's world views.


학습 조직에서는 탐구(inquiry)와 성찰(reflection)이 일이 진행되는 것과 함께 자연스럽게 같이 이루어지며, 이것이 장기적으로 조직을 효율적으로 만든다.

A learning organization is structured to include mechanisms which ensure inquiry and reflection as a natural part of ongoing work, which leads to long term organizational effectiveness




Kotter, J. P. (1995). Leading change: Why transformation efforts fail. Harvard business review, 73(2), 59-67.


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